PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Healthy Cars Provide Health Services to Remote Areas

*PT Timah Tbk Gives Free Medical Treatment to 22 Points, Reaching 1,781 Babel People

PANGKALPINANG – Health services are one of PT Timah Tbk's priorities in distributing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Various programs are implemented to improve the quality of public health in the company's operational areas in collaboration with stakeholders.

One of the health service programs that is consistently carried out by PT Timah Tbk is the 'OTO SIHAT' program or known as the Healthy Car. Through Healthy Cars, PT Timah Tbk continues to provide health services for the community in its operational areas to remote areas.

Since its launch in December 2020 to December 2021, PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car has provided services for 1,781 residents located at 22 service points spread across all regencies in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. This Healthy Car, which is equipped with medical personnel, medicines, can be enjoyed by the public for free. In addition to getting basic health services, the community can also do health consultations. The target of health services is not only adults but also children.

The presence of this healthy car is a form of PT Timah Tbk's commitment to fulfill the health rights of the community, especially those who are economically disadvantaged and bring the reach of health services closer.
The presence of Healthy Cars is always enthusiastically welcomed by the community, treatment in a car provides an unusual experience, especially healthy cars that come directly to their hamlet.

This is what Sabrina (66), a resident of Selindung Hamlet, Air Putih Village, West Bangka Regency, said when she received health services at PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car, some time ago at the Air Putih Village Office. "Yes, I was in the car, not like in the car for treatment. Inside is comfortable, the doctor is friendly. All my life, I've just been treated in the car, usually at the Puskesmas or at the hospital," said Sabrina, who was accompanied by her child for treatment.

Similarly, a resident of Badau Village, East Belitung Regency, Suhardi said that he was very grateful to get health services at Car Sehat, besides being close, the service was friendly. He hopes that this activity will be carried out regularly in their village. “Alhamdulillah, treatment at the Healthy Car is very comfortable, and we are quite helped, especially the procedure is quite easy. Hopefully this car can come here again," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Community Services (Yankes) of the Bangka Belitung (Babel) Provincial Health Office (Dinkes), Hermain appreciated and supported PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car program to bring health services closer to the community. "We support such efforts, with them visiting remote places and maybe some people are lazy, so they are motivated to seek treatment," said Hermain, Sunday (6/2/2022).

He admitted that the Babel Provincial Health Office had also made efforts to bring similar services closer to two districts in Babel some time ago. He assessed that PT Timah's healthy car was in line with the government's efforts to improve public services. "We hope that such activities will continue, but we also hope that PT Timah Tbk will coordinate with the district or city health offices in their implementation so that they can be monitored by the health office," said Hermain.

The Regent of East Belitung, Burhanudin hopes that PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car will be permanently present in East Belitung so that more people will be served.

According to him, Mobil Sehat will be able to collaborate with the Beltim Health Office in the 'Yuk Nyelik Patient' program which is part of the East Belitung RPJMD. "Of course we hope that the healthy car can be permanently in Beltim and medical personnel can work together with the Beltim Health Office team to provide mobile health services in the Beltim area, especially for patients who cannot go to the Puskesmas," explained the regent who is familiarly called Aan.

Aan appreciates PT Timah Tbk for the support given by PT Timah Tbk to health services, so that there are preventive measures that can be taken together to monitor the health of the Beltim community as a whole.

It is the same with the Regent of West Bangka, Sukirman, who appreciates the presence of a healthy car which has helped the residents of West Banhka to get health services. "I, as the Regent of West Bangka, would like to thank PT Timah Tbk for providing health services for the community, so it is hoped that this social service can make residents healthy. Hopefully PT Timah will be more advanced and beneficial for the community," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Corporate Communications of PT Timah Tbk Anggi Siahaan said, through the Healthy Car, PT Timah Tbk seeks to assist the government in controlling the number of people who are sick and mapping the health status of the community. So that it can perform early detection of some potential spread of disease.

He added, in 2022 PT Timah Tbk will add two units of PT Timah's Healthy Car fleet so that it can be more optimal in serving the community to all operational areas. "With the increase in the fleet, the range of services will also increase, so that more people can be served to get basic health," he explained.

PT Timah Tbk, he said, will continue to be committed to growing and developing with the community, for that the company consistently distributes CSR in various sectors which are divided into three major programs, namely community development and empowerment, environmental development and micro and small business funding. "In carrying out the CSR program, the company refers to the concept of Sustainability Development so that it is expected to provide sustainable benefits for the surrounding community and create added value in improving the welfare of the community and the environment," he said.