PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Healthy Car PT Timah Tbk Present in Air Abik Hamlet, Gunung Muda Village Provides Health Services for the Community

BANGKA – PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car again provides health services for the community in Air Abik Hamlet, Gunung Muda Village, Belinyu District, Bangka Regency, Wednesday (6/7/2022).

Dozens of residents are enthusiastic about getting health services on this car. They came to the Village Hall to check their health and consult a doctor regarding their complaints.

This is the second time PT Timah Tbk presents a Healthy Car in Air Abik Hamlet, where PT Timah Tbk's healthy car continues to travel to various operational areas to bring health services closer to the community.

One of the residents of Air Abik, Putra Antoro (36) admitted that he was happy to receive health services from PT Timah Tbk. The reason is, lately he has complaints such as wounds that do not heal on parts of his body, besides that he has complaints in the throat.

“There were several complaints, such as lumpy phlegm, then scabs. I've been checked by a doctor and given medicine. I hope you get better," he said.

Putra said that the existence of this healthy car service could bring health services closer to them. Usually for treatment they have to go to Belinyu which is quite a distance away.

“I am very happy with the existence of a healthy car, the first time I didn't come to check it. Treatment is closer because we usually have to go to Belinyu if we want treatment because there are midwives and doctors there,” he said.

He hopes that healthy cars can come regularly to their hamlet, making it easier for them to get health services.

"Hopefully more often, at least once a month here. So getting closer to treatment. Hopefully PT Timah Tbk will continue to advance," he said.

PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car is a free medical service provided by PT Timah Tbk to bring health services closer to the community. With the Healthy Car PT Timah Tbk is expected to make it easier for the community to get health services.