PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Health Facilities Are Far Away, Healthy Cars PT Timah Tbk Needs Bird Mandi Villagers

EAST BELITUNG - PT Timah Tbk's free health check-up service for healthy cars continues to benefit the people of Belitung Island.

This time, a healthy car is providing services to the people of Burung Mandi Village, Damar District, East Belitung. The health service, which was carried out in the courtyard of the Burung Mandi village office, Wednesday (11/30/2022) was enthusiastically welcomed by residents.

Apart from providing free health services to the community, this member of the MIND ID mining holding also distributed additional food packages for two children suffering from stunting.

The presence of the PT Timah Tbk Health Car really helps the community, especially those who live far from government health facilities.

The Head of the Bird Village, Mandi Sudarsono, said that his party welcomed the Healthy Car service in their village. This is because the distance to health facilities is quite far.

"We thank PT Timah Tbk, usually the community has to go to Mengkubang, Damar for treatment. So this is facilitated by PT Timah Tbk," said Sudarsono.

According to Sudarsono, PT Timah Tbk's healthy car is of course used by the public to check their health.

"I also have health problems, and I had my health checked too, so I saw that the car was very complete," he explained.

He hopes PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car program will continue and routinely come to the village of Mandir.

"This program helps public health services," he said.

One of the healthy car patients, Sahbudin (78) said, he felt comfortable getting treatment in the car. Moreover, the doctor's service is very friendly so that he can consult comfortably.

"I've had leg pain for a long time, but I'm a little lazy to go to the Puskesmas for treatment, but here I was treated," he explained.

He hoped that every month the car would come to their village.

"We hope that he comes here regularly, treatment inside is very comfortable," explained the resident of the Burung Mandi hamlet.*