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Have a Circel Machine, Holidi Creates Frames According to Consumer Needs

*Foster Partner of PT Timah Tbk

CENTRAL BANGKA – Decades of working in the frame carpentry business have made Holidi experienced in carrying out his profession. No wonder if orders keep coming to him.

This man from Kurau, Central Bangka Regency used to have the expertise as a builder. However, he also has a talent for making frames, according to him, this talent is obtained from generation to generation.

Holidi said that at first, he had a workshop or a place for making frames in Kurau Village, but due to several obstacles, he moved the place for making frames to Penyak Village. But not all of the items have been moved to their new place because they are still in preparation.

As a frame repairman, the man who is often called Didok said he had to update and keep abreast of developments in the housing world. Because the ordered frame models continue to grow.

However, it is undeniable that the tool is one of the obstacles for him to be able to improvise in making various types of frames. Meanwhile, to add machines, he is still limited in costs because he has to save capital for raw materials such as wood and others.

So far, he has only produced frames with his manual equipment. But over time this tool is no longer effective because many pieces of wood are wasted

In terms of time too, he needed a long time to be able to finish the frame. So sometimes he can't accommodate customers' orders.

“Initially, we still used propyl, wood shaving machine, and other manual machines. But after learning from a friend that there is a capital program from PT Timah Tbk, I borrowed capital to buy a circular machine," he said some time ago when met at his workshop in the Jalan Raya Penyak area.

After having a circle machine and several other supporting equipment, his work can be more effective, he can increase the number of orders, less wood is wasted so that everything can be optimized.

“Once you have a circular machine, you don't waste a lot of wood anymore, especially now that wood is expensive. Everything can be used. I am very grateful for the capital from PT Timah Tbk," he said.

According to Didok, although currently, the frame continues to grow, the raw material is not only wood but also steel frames. This is what makes him have to continue to learn and innovate.

"Actually, every house still needs wood, it's just that it continues to grow with a steel frame. This is me as a frame maker, I have to keep innovating,” he said.

He admits that currently, wood as the raw material for making frames is decreasing, but it still exists and is easy to find.

He admitted that he had received orders for both private houses and government agencies. Where orders do not only come from Central Bangka but also from other districts.

For him, he has experienced many benefits as a foster partner of PT Timah Tbk. Besides being able to improve the family's economy, the business is also growing with the equipment they have.

"There are so many benefits to being a foster partner of PT Timah Tbk, from the beginning it was only manual work, now I have a circular machine, a cutting machine and it really makes my job easier," he said. *