PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Gumbang Fishermen in Sawang Laut Develop Business from PT Timah Tbk's PUMK Program

SAWANG LAUT -- Supriyanto has been sailing the oceans for 19 years as a fisherman using a gumbang.
His income as a gumbang fisherman with simple equipment is only mediocre.

He only gains about four kilograms in a day because the netting equipment he has is outdated and weathered.

This 53-year-old man was initially confused about developing his business because of capital constraints. However, he knew about the Micro Small Business Funding program (PUMK) from PT Timah Tbk so he took advantage of this program.

By joining this program, he wants to replace the gumbang and develop other businesses. So it is expected to increase his family income.

"Thank God, now, after receiving a capital loan from the PUK Program the catch of gumbang has increased, in one day the average can be ten kilos, sometimes it can be more depending on the weather. Previously it was only four kilos," he said.

According to him, previously it was quite difficult to add capital to add new gumbang nets and equipment. Not to mention the cost of installing sway nets is not small.\

He said that after getting a capital loan from PT Timah Tbk, he was able to develop another business, which is making crackers.

"Thank God, the income for the family is also increasing gradually," he said.

He admitted, the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on his business due to the decline in people's purchasing power. So he thought of making prawn crackers.

He said, the shrimp and small fish that were obtained were not sold, but we were used as raw materials for making crackers.

"After there was a policy from the government to relax community activities, it had a positive impact. People's purchasing power showed an increase, so that the fish and shrimp produced from the gumbang were quite a lot of demand, even not enough sometimes. He could take the gumbang three to four times in a day," he said.

According to Supriyanto, PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program is very helpful for the community, especially, for a business actors such as those who have limited capital. The easy and fast system makes this program very helpful for itself.

"My hope is that PT Timah's PUMK program will continue in the future, so that other small fishermen who want to develop their businesses can still take the advantage of this program," he said.*