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Group of Free Homecoming Participants with PT Timah Started Arriving at Tanjung Kalian Harbour, Participants Hope the Program Will Continue Next Year

WEST BANGKA - The group of participants of the Free Homecoming with PT Timah and the Ministry of BUMN ‘Mudik Aman Sampai Tujuan’ from South Sumatra arrived at Tanjung Kalian Port, Mentok, West Bangka Regency on Monday (24/3/2025).

The arrival of homecoming participants was welcomed by the Homecoming Team from PT Timah. When they arrived at the harbour in Tanjung Kalian, Mentok, West Bangka, they looked tired but happy because they would soon gather with their families.

After travelling by sea using a ferry, a group of 107 participants arrived at their hometowns for those heading to Bangka Island. Meanwhile, participants travelling to Belitung Island will continue their journey through Pangkalbalam Harbour.

One of the homecoming participants, Alit, expressed his happiness after arriving at Tanjung Kalian Harbour. According to him, the Free Homecoming programme helps students to realise their desire to go home but are constrained by the cost.

He hopes that PT Timah's free homecoming programme can continue and the quota can be increased.

"The feeling is great, I can't put it into words. The experience is very interesting, being able to gather with friends. This programme is very helpful, especially for students who cannot go home because of their parents‘ financial condition," said this Unsri student.

Similarly, Firda Pratiwi, a student of Unsri, admitted that she often participates in PT Timah's free homecoming programme. For her, this programme is a moment to establish unity and friendship.

"This is my third time participating in the free homecoming programme, because it is more exciting to meet friends from various regions. This free homecoming not only provides a means for those who want to go home but can also establish brotherhood to meet people who are out there," he said.

Meanwhile, Raul Rian Saputra, a student of Unsri from Belitung, admitted that he was happy even though the journey was still long to arrive at his hometown.

"Even though there is a feeling of nervousness because he said the waves are still high. But certainly happy because Eid can gather to meet with family in Belitung. We, students, certainly feel helped by this Free Mudik from PT Timah," he said.

Similarly, Pikria Suryani, a Belitung student, said that although this was her first time joining the free homecoming programme, she was satisfied with PT Timah's free homecoming service.

"I feel very satisfied with the Free Mudik service from PT Timah, everything is provided. I got a lot of impressions, made new friends, and also had the experience of riding a ship. Hopefully in the future it will continue so that we can Mudik Bareng again," said Pikria.