PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Gebong Memarong Traditional Village, Keeping the Tradition of the Lum People in Air Abik Hamlet

*PT Timah Tbk Plays a Role in Preserving the Customs of the Lum

BANGKA -- Indigenous peoples are an inseparable part of social life. The existence of indigenous peoples must be maintained and protected so that they are not eroded by time.

For this reason, PT Timah Tbk plays an active role in preserving the customs, culture and local wisdom of the people of Bangka Belitung as an operational area.

One form of customary preservation carried out by PT Timah Tbk is by supporting the construction of the Gebong Memrong Traditional Village which is the traditional house of the Lum People in Air Abik Hamlet, Gunung Muda Village, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung.

The construction of the Gebong Memrong Traditional Village which began with Ngujem Tiang Gebong Memrong Traditional Village some time ago. There are seven gebongs or seven ridges of traditional houses built in this traditional village.

The seven Gebong Memrongs will later be used for traditional home stays of four units, traditional halls, galleries, and museums. The building is in the form of a stilt with a base of Ibul wood, with bark walls and a palm roof.

Interestingly, each Memrong building has different characteristics ranging from the type of bond, the type of wood, and other materials that are made as closely as possible to the Orang Lum traditional house.

Through the construction of the Gebong Memrong Traditional Village, the company's efforts to preserve the lives of the Lum people, not only building their houses, but also the local traditions and wisdom of the Lum people so that the current generation can see them again.

Not only that, PT Timah Tbk also provides training for community groups in Air Abik Hamlet to make ecoprint batik. This training is in accordance with the potential of the local community. So that later it is expected to have an economic impact on the community.

The head of the Orang Lum, who is also the chairman of the Mapur Customary Institution, Abok Usang Gedoy, said that at first they had built a traditional village but only had one Memrong. This is due to a number of problems.

Abok Usang Gedoy told that this Gebong Memrong Traditional Village will be a picture that can be witnessed directly by the community about the life of the Orang Lum people, starting from where they live, how to find sustenance, the equipment used, to how to socialize the Lum People.

He hopes that, after the completion of the Gebong Memrong Traditional Village, it will become an attraction for tourists and can continue to preserve the traditions and customs of the Orang Lum.

"The seven memrongs are seven houses, there is a traditional hall which will be used for community gatherings, wedding venues, this gallery will later be used to exhibit handicraft products, there is also a museum which will display tools for the lum people and others. And there is also lodging for the community. who want to stay at Orang Lum's house," he said.

He is grateful that PT Timah Tbk fully supports the development of Gebong Memrong, for him this is a good form of synergy to jointly maintain the customs, traditions, and local wisdom of the Orang Lum.

"We are very happy, PT Timah Tbk can help realize the building of Gebong Memrong, because we have wanted it for a long time with the aim of the current generation being able to see firsthand how the homes and lives of the Lum people used to be," he said.

Similarly, the Secretary of the Mapur Traditional Institute, Asih Harmoko, said that currently there are around 70 more heads of Orang Lum families living in Air Abik Hamlet.

"We are partnering with PT Timah Tbk, preserving the culture of the lum people so that in the future gebong memrong will be increasingly known, become a legacy for today's generations, become a cultural destination that maintains local wisdom and traditions. We also plan to build a traditional school," he said.

Meanwhile, the writers of Mapur's Book Gaining Blessings Kurniati and Derry Nodyanto, said that local wisdom and cultural traditions are wealth, treasures, and potential in the development of civilization.

In addition to being a wealth of assets and cultural heritage, it can also provide enormous opportunities and have a significant impact on the economic growth of the community.

"This role is shown by PT Timah Tbk present in framing and perpetuating the preservation of the Mapur custom," said Derry.

Kurniati added, before the progress of the material building (physical) in Merong, PT Timah Tbk had first carried out the process of collecting cultural data about the customs of the Mapur people in a paper.

"No kidding, of course, the seriousness of this largest tin company can unite two operational areas (Dusun Pejem, Gunung Pelawan Village and Aik Abik Hamlet, Gunung Muda Village in Belinyu District," he said.

PT Timah Tbk seeks to preserve the Mapur Indigenous Peoples by synergizing with educators, culturalists and the community.

"This is the company's effort to introduce local cultural treasures which are expected to be useful for cultural lovers, academic interests, as well as for the interests of the local community in learning about the past experiences of their ancestors," he continued.\

The symbol of the existence of the Mapur people who have local wisdom values ??must get a position and space so that they do not just disappear, make inventories more meaningful through writing, and not just rely on speech.

According to him, Gebong Memrong has its own value in the hearts of the Mapur community, namely as a symbol of existence, cooperation and harmony, as well as local wisdom of community life.

Previously, there had been a bung memrong located in the middle of Air Abik Hamlet and managed by the Mapur Customary Institution as a forum that shelters the interests of indigenous peoples and the development of Mapur culture.

“The efforts made by PT Timah Tbk are of course not only to build civilization and culture through the construction of gebong memrong. A commitment to support cultural programs is also prepared for indigenous peoples through capacity and quality improvement in the form of training and mentoring for indigenous Mapur people so that their abilities and skills in processing woven based on local wisdom into traditional handicraft products that are worldwide with the best quality, "he said.