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Gathering with the Deputy Minister of Investment/BKPM, the President Director of PT Timah conveyed the conditions of tin to support national economic growth.

JAKARTA -- To strengthen synergy and coordination, the President Director of PT Timah Tbk, Ahmad Dani Virsal, and the Director of Human Resources of PT TIMAH Tbk, Hendra Kusuma Wardana held a friendly meeting with the Deputy Minister of Investment/Deputy Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Yuliot Tanjung in Jakarta, Wednesday (31/7/2024).

During this visit which took place in a relaxed and interactive atmosphere, the President Director of PT Timah Ahmad Dani Virsal explained the current condition of the national tin business ecosystem. As is known, Indonesia is one of the largest tin producers in the world.

In this constructive meeting, Ahmad Dani Virsal also explained efforts to improve the national tin ecosystem so that it can continue to be sustainable and increase the role of the national tin industry in supporting the regional and national economy.

As is known, tin is a mineral that is needed to support various industries and development.

Apart from tin, according to Dani, several other minerals can be optimized and developed and have high economic value, such as rare earth metals, zircon, ilmenite, silica, and others.

"For this secondary mineral, PT Timah is still making efforts, one of which is conducting a study with BRIN for its development. However, there are several that can be optimized, such as zircon and silica," said Dani Virsal.

This discussion also discussed the potential for downstreaming of tin which is currently being carried out by PT Timah. As a world-class tin mining company, PT Timah since 1995 has been down-streaming tin through its subsidiary PT Timah Industri.

Currently, PT Timah Industri is developing downstream production of Tin Powder, which is planned to start production this year. This is PT Timah's effort to meet global market needs.

"PT Timah has been downstream tin for a long time, but in its development, the company needs optimal support from various parties, for example strengthening domestic market demand," added Dani.

As a non-renewable mineral, the management of the tin industry from upstream to downstream must be carried out properly to maintain its sustainability. The mining process must also be carried out by applying the principles of good mining practices so as to minimize the impact of tin mining.

As is known, currently the mining industry, including tin, is still one of the supporters of the national economy. Not only does the tin mining sector have a domino effect, it is also able to stimulate the economy in the surrounding area.

"As a state company, PT Timah is not only profit-oriented, but also has a mission to encourage regional and national economic growth, empower the community and also provide optimal contributions to the Nation and State," he said.

He hopes that this gathering can provide positive input and contribution as well as support from the Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). As is known, this ministry is currently focused on boosting the development and growth of the national economy. (*)