PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


From Reclamation to Clean Tourist Areas, PT Timah's Concrete Steps in Carrying Out Environmental Management 

PANGKALPINANG -- A sustainable environmental management program is one of PT Timah's commitments in implementing the company's business processes in an integrated manner.

Various innovative and sustainable environmental management programs are carried out, including reclamation, reforestation programs, Biodiversity Forest programs, and rehabilitation of wild and protected animals.

For reclamation, PT Timah carries out reclamation on land and sea. Forms of reclamation carried out on land include reclamation in other forms, reforestation, tree planting and others.

Meanwhile, marine reclamation carried out by PT Timah includes sinking artificial reefs, restocking squid, restocking mangrove crabs, planting mangroves, monitoring sea water quality, installing abrasion barriers and others.

Not only carrying out reclamation, PT Timah is also actively involved in reforestation programs carried out together with the community, regional government and society.

PT Timah also carries out management of Biodiversity Forests (Kehati) covering an area of ??56.2 hectares which is carried out in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province and the Riau Islands Province. This conservation program involves efforts to protect rare and endemic species, regular monitoring of biodiversity, and collaboration with conservation institutions as an effort to preserve the environment.

Members of the MIND ID mining industry holding company routinely carry out environmental management activities with the community, such as cleaning up rubbish in tourist areas and public facilities.

Not only that, PT Timah is also actively involved in supporting waste management programs with the community in Air Limau Village, West Bangka Regency.

In implementing environmental management, PT Timah involves community groups in operational areas as a form of education to increase public awareness about the importance of protecting the environment and invite them to actively participate in environmental programs run by the company.

PT Timah's commitment to environmental management is also marked by the fact that in the last few years PT Timah has succeeded in maintaining Gold Proper from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Head of Corporate Communications at PT Timah, Anggi Siahaan, said that PT Timah is committed to carrying out sustainable environmental management by carrying out environmental management program initiatives.

"By collaborating and innovating, PT Timah continues to strive to improve sustainable environmental management. So that the impact of mining can be minimized properly," he said. (*)