PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Four Slow Lorises Released in BIO Area

*PT Timah Tbk with ALOBI Foundation

BANGKA – To preserve wildlife, PT Timah Tbk together with the Alobi Foundation released four slow lorises (Nycticebus bancanus) in the Bangka Island Outdoor (BIO) Protected Forest Area, Sungailiat, Bangka Regency, Friday (11/2/2022).

The release of these four animals is also in commemoration of Indonesian Primate Day which is celebrated every January 30.

The released animals are animals that were handed over by the community and entrusted by the South Sumatra BKSDA which had previously been rehabilitated at the Alobi Animal Rescue Center (PPS) in Kampoeng Reclamation of Air Jangkang.

This activity was attended by the Director of Human Resources of PT Timah Tbk, Yennita, Chair of the Alobi Foundation, Langka Sani, Head of the Resort Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) Bangka, Ahmad Fahdli Jundana.

The chairman of the Alobi Foundation, Langka Sani, said that BIO is one of the forest areas with good natural conservation because it is managed by PT Timah Tbk. So that it is possible to release these four slow lorises in the area in the hope that there will be no search for liars.

We chose BIO because we feel that BIO is very good for nature conservation, even though BIO is a small area but its natural area is very well preserved. Moreover, it has been managed by PT Timah, which makes BIO very good guard," he said.

Rare appreciate PT Timah Tbk's commitment to supporting wildlife conservation, he hopes that what PT Timah Tbk is doing can encourage other companies to do the same.

“PT Timah has helped a lot in the movement of Indonesian wildlife, where we have to protect the rich biodiversity in Indonesia. We also hope that many other companies can support release activities like this, like what PT Timah did,” he said.

As a form of appreciation to PT Timah Tbk who has consistently cared for the movement to protect animals received an award which was received directly from the Director of Human Resources of PT Timah Tbk, Yennita in animal release activities.

"On behalf of the Alobi Foundation, we really appreciate PT Timah for always supporting the release of animals like this," he wrote.

Director of Human Resources of PT Timah Tbk, Yennita conveyed that protecting wild animals is the same as the future of the ecosystem so that they can be enjoyed.

I hope that there will be no more hunting that destroys the environment because we protect wildlife, especially on the island of Bangka, Indonesia, and the world,” he concluded. (**)