PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Fostering the Tuah Ketam Group, PT Timah Tbk Encouraging the Economic Independence of Sawang Laut Village Fishermen

KUNDUR -- The existence of PT Timah Tbk as a company that has received a mandate from the state to manage tin natural resources is not only for carrying out business processes. But also encourage the progress and self-reliance of the community in the mining circle.

In line with this spirit, MIND ID mining industry holding members continuously carry out their social and environmental responsibility. This is also in line with the Company's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) values.

Through the community empowerment program, PT Timah Tbk in the Kundur Production Unit encourages the community's economic independence through several programs such as the cultivation of mud crab enlargement.

The cultivation of mud crabs involves the Tuah Ketam group, Sawang Laut Village, Kundur Barat District. This program provides business opportunities for the community to cultivate crabs that have high economic value.

The head of the Tuah Ketam Group, Amran, said that he was very happy with the program from PT Timah Tbk because previously to meet the needs of their families, they only relied on income as fishermen who catch fish.

"Now apart from capturing results, there is additional income from cultivating mud crab enlargement, all of which are provided by PT Timah. We are not only assisted with seeds but also given training and other needs as well as assisted and guided in the process," he said.

Currently, he said the Tuah Ketam Group is learning to be independent and no longer dependent on assistance from PT Timah Tbk. The cultivation that they underwent already had results, but that did not necessarily make them complacent.

Currently, the Tuah Ketam Group has two crab rearing ponds with each pond capable of being filled with approximately 200 to 250 individuals.

"Thanks to PT Timah Tbk's support, in the future we will try to be independent and will continue to grow with the experience we already have. Because these crabs have high economic value and are easy to market because the people around Kundur Barat have a hobby of seafood food," he said. (*)