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Five Students from Karimun who Pass the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Class Program at SMAN 1 Pemali Depart to Bangka Belitung, This is a Message from Their Parents

KUNDUR -- PT Timah Tbk Kundur Production Unit released five students from Karimun Regency who passed the PT Timah Tbk Scholarship Class program at SMAN 1 Pemali, at Griya Timah Kundur, Friday (7/7/2023).

The students who passed were released to go to SMAN 1 Pemali in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The release activity was also attended by parents and the Head of the Kundur Production Unit Ari Wibowo.

The PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program is an educational scholarship for students who excel and are economically disadvantaged. This year, PT Timah Tbk accepted 36 students from Bangka Belitung Province, Karimun Regency, and Meranti Regency.

The parents of Hadi Syahputra, a student who passed the PT Timah Tbk Buimin scholarship class program, expressed their pleasure and expressed their gratitude to PT Timah for presenting the scholarship program.

"With this scholarship program my child can continue his education, so it is hoped that my child's future will be better than his parents," he said.

According to Buimin, PT Timah's scholarship program really helps them as parents who have a mediocre economy.

"With this program, we parents are assisted not only in terms of educational costs but from other aspects such as the cost of books and other school equipment," he said.

Apart from that, he said that accepting his son into the PT Timah Tbk scholarship class program, it also provided an opportunity for his son to develop academic skills and other abilities.

"All educational costs and other needs are borne by the company. So as parents, we can only encourage our children to study hard and continue to compete on the achievement track," he hoped. (*)