PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Fishermen in Sawang Laut Receive Habitable Houses from PT Timah Tbk

*Unable to Hold Happiness

SAWANG LAUT -- The husband and wife couple Muhammad Afizal (24) and Fajariah (25) could not contain their feelings of emotion and happiness when they received the key to the Residential House (RTLH) which was handed over by the Head of the Kundur Production Unit, Ari Wibowo some time ago.

This resident of Sawang Laut Village, Kundur Barat District, thought that his house would be rebuilt by PT Timah Tbk. Some time ago his house was damaged by a fallen tree due to rain and wind so it could not be occupied.

"At that time it was raining accompanied by strong winds that knocked down a tree behind the house and hit the house, so it couldn't be occupied. Moreover, I was having a toddler," he said.

He is endlessly grateful for receiving housing assistance from PT Timah Tbk. So they can return to their homes.

"Thank God, now my house can be lived in with a small family and looks more beautiful than before," said the man who works as a fisherman.

Meanwhile, Chief Fisherman of Sawang Laut, Amran, appreciated PT Timah Tbk for the assistance in the form of a Residential Housing Unit (RTLH) to the fishing community.

"I represent members of the Fishermen of Sawang Laut Village, thanking PT Timah for this assistance. Of course, this is very helpful for our members," said Amran.

Likewise, the Head of Sawang Laut Village, Jefrizal, also appreciated PT Timah Tbk's concern for helping the community in their village.

According to him, housing assistance is very helpful for residents. Moreover, the beneficiaries are economically disadvantaged people.

"Recipients of this assistance are also classified as having only enough economy for a day. Thank you PT Timah Tbk, which has always been synergistic in building and easing the burden on the community," he said.

Meanwhile, the Kundur Barat Sub-district Head, Khaidir, said that PT Timah's commitment to helping the people of Kundur Barat was quite beneficial for its citizens.

"Hopefully this assistance can be useful, especially to Mr. Afrizal and his family. We assess that PT Timah has shown commitment and concern for the community, such as the construction of an RTLH unit in Sawang Laut Village can be realized properly," he said.