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Fishermen in Karimun District Receive Life Jacket Assistance from PT Timah Tbk

KARIMUN – To improve the safety of fishermen while at sea, PT Timah Tbk handed over dozens of life jackets to fishermen who are members of the Ratu Laut KUB and Samudera Pesisir KUB in Teluk Dalam Hamlet, Kundur Village, Karimun Regency, Wednesday (23/3/2022).

This life jacket assistance was handed over directly by the Acting Director of Engineering and Environment of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources General Mineral and Coal, Muhammad Wafid. On this occasion, Muhammad Wafid conveyed that fishermen must continue to pay attention to safety by equipping safety equipment such as life jackets.

“Because as we all know, the weather is currently unpredictable and extreme, sometimes it's hot and suddenly it rains with wind. Hopefully by paying attention to our safety we will always be protected from harm at sea," he said.

Meanwhile, Dedy, one of the recipients of this life jacket, said that he and other fishermen were happy and grateful to PT Timah for providing this safety equipment.

“The company's attention to fishermen is quite good. We are glad that PT Timah has a concern for the safety of the fishermen. Hopefully PT Timah's attention to fishermen will continue to be maintained and also increased," he said.

Another fisherman, Israilla, said that now the weather is often erratic and often changes very quickly. He admits that the safety equipment they have is not sufficient.

“We often encounter wind and rain when we go out to sea to fish. Our sailing safety equipment is not adequate. But now, Alhamdulillah, PT Timah is paying attention to our safety," he said.

With the help of this life jacket, it is hoped that fishermen can go to sea more comfortably, because they already have personal protective equipment.*