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Fishermen Group in Sawang Village Receive Assistance from PT Timah Tbk

KUNDUR -- To increase the catch of fishermen, PT Timah Tbk again handed over assistance to fishermen groups in West Kundur.

This fishing gear assistance was handed over to the Sawang Village Fishermen group who are members of the KUB Mukalimus Bersatu Tunas, Sawang Village, Kundur Barat District, Tuesday (22/08/2023).

Secretary of KUB Mukalimus Bersatu Tunas Sawang Village, Joni conveyed that the assistance from PT Timah Tbk would be used to procure nets for KUB members which had been damaged and unfit for use.

He mentioned, their group members have 11 members. Most of the nets they owned were damaged and unfit for use, however, due to cost constraints, they were not able to replace them with better ones.

According to him, even though they have been fishermen for decades, they still have difficulty adding fishing gear because of uncertain income.

"As traditional fishing net fishermen, our income is uncertain, we go to sea for two days and then return to land. Thank God, we can return our investment if we get fish sustenance, but sometimes we don't always get it," he said.

According to him, assistance from PT Timah Tbk can help their group to increase their catch.

"On behalf of the members of the KUB Mukalimus Bersatu Tunas group, I would like to thank PT Timah Tbk for the assistance given to us," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of West Kundur Sub-District Yusufian appreciated PT Timah for helping the KUB Mukalimus Bersatu Tunas fishing group.

"Hopefully this assistance can help improve the economy of these fishermen members. Thank you for the support to the community in the West Kundur region, we hope that the contribution that the company has shown can continue to be felt by our residents," he concluded. (*)