PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Explore the Beauty of Ketawai Island with Millennial Berwisata and PT Timah Tbk

CENTRAL BANGKA -- The beauty of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province is never ending. Beautiful beaches and charming small islands make many tourists addicted to return to this tin-producing Province.

One of the islands that has a charming and unspoiled charm is Ketawai Island which is located in Kurau Village, Central Bangka Regency. To enjoy the beauty of Ketawai Island, we have to take a sea trip by boat about 30 minutes from the pier of the Fish Landing Place in Kurau Village.

Along the way, you will not be bored, because you can see the blue expanse of the sea, the sound of the waves colliding with the roar of the ship. No less interesting, you can take a selfie with a wide sea background.

When you arrive at Ketawai Island, you will be presented with the expanse of towering coconut trees view that is soothing. The atmosphere of the beach is quiet and unspoiled, makes Ketawai a comfortable and safe tourist destination with their family and friends.

A landmark that reads 'Ketawai' stretches out not far from the Pier when you get off the boat. There are also several gazebo units along the coast that can be used to take a rest. The facilities, such as prayer rooms and toilets are also available in this area.

Well, for those of you who like to snorkel, Ketawai Island also presents a beautiful underwater beauty, where there are many fish such as nemo, green kerisi and various other types of fish. The expanse of various types of coral is also a shame if you miss it to be enjoyed together.

To support tourism activities on Ketawai Island, PT Timah Tbk handed over a speed boat type tourist boat to the Millennial Berwisata Group in Kurau Village, which is chaired by Neli Saputra, a 23-year-old young man from Kurau Village.

Putra said, there were five other islands in the Ketawai Island area, such as Gusung Asam Island, Ketugar Island, Babuar Island, Semujur Island and Panjang Island. However, it is only Ketawai Island that is more attractive to tourists.

The man who is called Putra has been running a business as a tour guide since 2013. Unfortunately, they don't have their own boat yet, so when they want to bring the guests, they have to rent a boat owned by fishermen or local BUMDes.

To motivating young people in his village, sometimes Putra is able to bring about a hundred tourists to visit Ketawai Island in one month through the Kelompok Millennial Berwisata. The highest number of visits is usually happen on the weekends.

They often feel confused if the boats they usually rent are also used by other groups. So, not infrequently they have to negotiate with tourists to divert the time of their visit.

“So far, we are still renting the boat, but we are the ones who bring the ship, and the fuel is also from us. Because we don't have the money to buy our own boat, let alone a special boat for tourism to transport tourists," he said during the handover of tour boat assistance from PT Timah Tbk to his group on Ketawai Island, Wednesday (23/2/2022).

According to Putra, the ship assistance provided by PT Timah Tbk is a tangible manifestation of the company's support for tourism in their village. With the new ship that is in accordance with the needs of tourists, such as comfortable seats, has a roof, there are barriers on the left and right of the ship, it will make tourists more comfortable.

Not to mention, the 40 PK ship engine can speed up the distance from the Pier to Ketawai Island. So the trip to Ketawai Island can be reached just in 25 minutes.

This white fiber type ship can accommodate about 10-12 passengers. This ship is produced in Pangkalpinang, so PT Timah Tbk also empowers the community to produce ships that are handed over to this group.

“The tourists are more comfortable with this new ship, first, the time is faster. Then, PT Timah Tbk not only provided ships, but also equipped with buoys. Yes, it is ready to use to bring tourists immediately, "said Putra.

According to Putra, the moment of handing over the ship is also on the right time, because the tourists usually visit Ketawai Island in the shady months, from March to May.

"It's the right time to get that boat, because from March to Eid, lots of people coming usually. At the beginning of March, we already had two groups booked, and later they will be brought directly with this new ship," he explained.

Not only providing boat rental services, the Millenial Berwisata Group to Kurau Village also provides rental of snorkeling equipment, consumption, and a number of other facilities.

Later, said Putra, the ship provided by PT Timah Tbk will not only be used to carry tourists. However, if there are people who need help, such as when a fisherman has a sea accident or a disaster at sea, this ship can be used to help.

“This ship is not only for tourism, but also used to help fisherman. For example, if there is a disaster at sea, an accident, and others. This ship is fast, so it can help fishermen's families more quickly to help the community," he said.

In the future, with this ship, he hopes that it will be able to increase tourist visits to Ketawai Island, this can also help move the community's economy.

"We will take care of this boat. From one boat given by PT Timah Tbk, hopefully we can add more boats later. The more tourists come, this will certainly move the local community's economy, for example from food and others," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Central Bangka, Algafry Rahman, appreciated PT Timah Tbk's support for the Millennial Group Traveling to Kurau Village, so that this assistance is expected to make it easier for tourists and of course to increase tourism on Ketawai Island.

"This is a form of concern for PT Timah Tbk, this concern has an impact on the economic movement of the Kurau community. I ask my friends to take care and help the community to grow and develop tourism," he said.

He considered that the existence of PT Timah Tbk really supports the development of tourism in Central Bangka, not only tourism, but also to other sectors. He admitted, indeed Ketawai Island is one of the charming tourist destinations in Central Bangka.

"We will continue to collaborate with PT Timah Tbk and other business actors to develop tourism. Because we also have high hopes to develop this Ketawai Island tourism. Hopefully PT Timah Tbk will continue to exist and profit, so that its CSR can continue to flow to the community," he said.*