PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Even Though It's Raining, Bakit Villagers Are Still Enthusiastic About Getting Treatment in PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car

BANGKA BARAT -- Heavy rains lashed Bakit Village, Paritiga District, West Bangka Regency, but did not dampen the enthusiasm of the residents to check their health at PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car which was held at the Bakit Village Office, Tuesday (11/1/2022).

The presence of PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car in Bakit Village has been eagerly awaited by residents, this can be seen from the residents who flocked to check their health in the free health services provided by PT Timah Tbk.

One of the residents of Bakit Village who received health services, Lutifah (73) said that she was happy to be able to get a free examination. Where he has several health complaints such as high blood pressure. "It's nice to be given free treatment by PT Timah, it's not far away for treatment," said Lutifah.

Similarly, Jhon (48) admitted that he was quite helped by the healthy car service of PT Timah Tbk. "We feel quite helped by this Healthy Car activity, besides being not far away from treatment, the facilities are quite complete, and free. If possible, this activity can be carried out regularly," he said.

Jhon admitted that he received several health services such as measuring blood pressure, blood sugar levels, uric acid and others.

Meanwhile, Chairman of RT 01 Bakit Village, Rahmat said, the community was enthusiastic about the Healthy Car. He hopes that this activity will be carried out regularly.

"The activity is very good, the community welcomes it, it is proven that even though it rains continuously, people still come for treatment. We hope that, in the future, this activity will continue, and the number will not be limited," he said.

This healthy car activity in Bakit Village was also appreciated by the Acting Head of Bakit Bunyamin Village, where health services are really needed by residents, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

"Alhamdulillah, thank you to PT Timah, who has helped our community with the Healthy Car activity. We hope that this will not only continue today because the distance between Bakit village and the sub-district is far enough for people to seek treatment," he said.

"So far, our people think that health is quite important. Especially with the spread of Covid-19 because if you are healthy, whatever you want to do will run smoothly. This is evidenced by our residents for the vaccine target is already 100%, there are only a few people who have not because of the disease, " he continued

Separately, the District Head of Parittiga Madrisa assessed that PT Timah's Healthy Car is a form of concern for public health. "We from the sub-district would like to thank PT Timah for its concern for the health of the community, directly involved in presenting the Healthy Car program. Hopefully activities like this can help improve the health status of the community," he concluded. (**)