PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Encouraging the Syiar of Islamic Poems, PT Timah Assists Hadra Al Azzam Group in Belo Laut Village  

WEST BANGKA -- The Hadra Al Azzam Group in Terabik Hamlet, Belo Laut Village, Muntok District, Bangka Regency grew enthusiastic in performing Islamic symbols and poems after receiving assistance from PT Timah Tbk, Monday (29/8/2022).

PT Timah Tbk donated assistance to add hadra art musical instruments. This assistance was handed over by the Head of Waskip ULB West Bangka Sugarta and the CSR Team to the chairman of Hadra Al Azzam Husnul Arobi at the Baiturrakhman Mosque in Terabik Hamlet, Belo Laut Village.

"Alhamdulillah, thank you to PT Timah, who has provided assistance to the Hadrah Al Azzam Terabik Group," said the Chairman of Al Hadra Azzam, Husnul Arobi.

Through hadra music, he said, his party broadcasts religion through the art of shalawat. With the aim of cultivating a religious society, generations who love shalawat follow the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

Similarly, Terabik Hamlet Ulama as well as Al Azzam builder Nuril Muadzin said that his party appreciated the assistance from PT Timah Tbk.

"As youth and youth coaches of the Baiturakhman Mosque in Terabik Hamlet, we thank PT Timah for providing assistance to this Al Azzam hadrah group.
Hopefully, in the future it will be more lively, enthusiastic, and passionate again in proclaiming the symbols of the Islamic religion," he said.

Meanwhile, the village head of Belo Laut Ibnu said that the presence of PT Timah had provided benefits for the residents.

"Thank you, the highest appreciation goes to PT Timah which has committed its existence to benefit the community. We from the village government hope that in the future we can continue to synergize with PT Timah," he said.