PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Empowering the Community, PT Timah Tbk Improves Public Road Facilities

WEST BANGKA --- Collaborating with the community, PT Timah Tbk repairs public road facilities in the area of ??the Muntok Metallurgical Unit, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency.

PT Timah Tbk empowered the Tanjung Jaya Gapoktan to carry out painting, cleaning traffic signs, and felling trees that disturb the view of road users along the Muntok Metallurgical Unit.

The action carried out by the Tanjung Jaya Gapoktan assisted by PT Timah employees received appreciation from passing road users. One of them, Noverita admitted that she is happy with this repair because she often goes back and forth to take school children across this road.

"Now it is brighter, such as wider, visibility is easier after repairs and painting and felling of trees. We feel more secure when driving a vehicle across this road," she said.

Similarly, said Beni, a resident of Jalan Raya Peltim, according to him what PT Timah did was right.

"It feels brighter now, safer, not worried, when passing, especially the trees here have been trimmed. Thank you PT Timah for prioritizing the safety of road users," he said.

Head of the Tanjung Jaya Gapoktan Hendrik admitted that PT Timah's program has always involved and empowered the community.

"We are certainly very happy to be involved in PT Timah's activities. This is proof that every activity carried out by PT Timah always empowers the surrounding community. PT Timah cares and involves the community in every activity," he said.