PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Embracing All MSMEs, PT Timah's PUMK Program is Socialized to Residents' Homes

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah Tbk's Micro Small Business Funding Program targets MSMEs engaged in various sectors. The PUMK program is the company's effort to develop the businesses of MSME actors with the help of capital loans.

Currently, there are MSMEs that are fostered partners of PT Timah Tbk spread across the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Riau Province and Riau Islands Province. They are engaged in various business sectors such as services, trade, livestock, fisheries, agriculture, culinary and creative industries.

In order for the PUMK program to truly target MSME actors, PT Timah Tbk even directly disseminated the PUMK program to community groups, for example, carried out directly to residents' homes. It is intended that this program reaches various business actors.

The PUMK socialization program was carried out by the PT Timah Tbk CSR team targeting residents' homes in West Bangka. Through this socialization, PT Timah Tbk explained to MSME actors about the requirements and procedures to become a foster partner of PT Timah Tbk.

Budijanto (38), a resident of Anyai hamlet, Air Menduyung Village, said he only found out about PT Timah's PUMK program when PT Timah invited him to socialize at his neighbor's house.

"When he was invited to his house, he said PT Timah was conducting a socialization of the funding program for MSMEs, so we also participated in the socialization," he said.

Budjiarto was interested and immediately interested in applying for a loan from PT Timah Tbk to increase the business capital of his shop.

"Thanks to PT Timah's venture capital assistance, we are helped to complete and add to our merchandise at the store, and now more and more customers are shopping at the store because there is an additional stock of merchandise," he said.

He hopes that PT Timah's PUMK program will continue, according to him, it will greatly help the community's business.

"Hopefully this program will continue, because of the spirit of helping. People are given the convenience, loans are intact, the installments are light, and the process is fast and taken care of directly, we don't need to send it to the post or to the PT Timah office. Hopefully, PT Timah will continue to be successful, and the community will feel the existence of PT Timah," he hoped.

In the same vein, Kon Fui, a fish trading businessman, said that his business was growing after becoming a fostered partner of PT Timah.

"Yesterday there was socialization at the neighbor's house, Tjai Mau Chin, there was an assistance program for business actors like us. We immediately borrowed, and PT Timah took care of it directly, the application was taken at home. We are very happy, thanks to the additional capital, our business is progressing," said Kon Fui.