PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Educating the Community on Waste Management, PT Timah Supports a National Seminar on Waste in Air Limau Village

WEST BANGKA - PT Timah supports community-driven waste management initiatives by ensuring the success of the National Seminar commemorating National Waste Day 2024.

Waste management is a global challenge, and PT Timah, together with community groups, organized this seminar held at the Kulong Cepakek Educational Tourism Area in Air Limau Village, West Bangka Regency, on Friday (23/2/2024).

PT Timah provides financial support for this event as part of its efforts to educate the community about sustainable environmental management initiatives undertaken by PT Timah.

The Coordinator of the National Waste Day Celebration, Feri Kurniawansyah, mentioned that several activities involving organizations, students, and the public were conducted.

"The National Waste Day Celebration activities at Kulong Cepakek Tourism include a Painting Camp and a recycling Fashion Show. The activities were attended by scouts, Karang Taruna Air Limau, students, and the public. The event was supported by the West Bangka Environmental Agency (DLH) and PT Timah," he said.

He appreciated PT Timah for supporting waste management activities in Bukit Limau Village every year.

Meanwhile, the Head of Air Limau Village, Mexsi Diansah, stated that PT Timah has made significant contributions to improving the economy in Air Limau Village.

"For 7 years, PT Timah has been helping the people of Air Limau Village. In addition to providing CSR, Waste National Day Care programs, Company Proper programs, and even reclamation programs are present in Air Limau Village," he said.

He hoped that PT Timah would continue to exist so that it could continue to support the economy of the community in Bangka Belitung, especially in Air Limau Village.

One of the participants, Elroy Nduru from SMA Negeri 1 Mentok Scouts, mentioned that the activity was very beneficial and provided a new experience for him and the organization.

"The impression is extraordinary, very good, and very interesting. One of the activities is about managing waste from animal waste. This activity went straight to practical fieldwork. Hopefully, this activity will continue and be consistently implemented," said Elroy.

Ferri Ardami, the Head of the Waste and Cleanliness Division of the West Bangka Environmental Agency, expressed appreciation for the activities that had been carried out.

"On behalf of the West Bangka Regency Government, we appreciate this activity. Waste issues are not only the responsibility of the regency government or the West Bangka Environmental Agency but have become the responsibility of all of us, in managing it and making it productive or useful for all of us," said Ferri. (*)