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Educating on the Dangers of Haze in Muntok, PT Timah Tbk Distributes Masks to Schools and Road Users

WEST BANGKA -- People are starting to feel the haze in Muntok, West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. For this reason, PT Timah Tbk together with employees took the initiative to distribute masks to students and road users, on Thursday (5/10/2023).

The initiative to distribute masks was carried out by PT Timah Tbk employees because of the large number of fires that occurred during the dry season. Apart from that, Muntok itself was also affected by exposure to the haze from South Sumatra.

PT Timah Tbk together with employees distributed masks at several points such as road users, public places, and schools in Muntok.

This is an effort to anticipate respiratory tract infections (ARI) due to smoke haze. Apart from that, it also provides education to the public about the dangers of smoke haze.

One of the schools that received masks was SDN 22 Mentok. The school, as stated by one of Teacher Suyanto, welcomed the distribution of masks which the Timah Muntok Employees Association coordinated.

"This activity is very positive, educating students about the benefits of masks and the dangers of fog for health. We would like to thank the people of PT Timah Tbk," he said.

Class IV students at SDN 22 Mentok Arita said they were happy to get information about the dangers of fog for health.

"Very happy because the danger of fog is very disturbing when going to school," he said.

Likewise, Dafa said that he admitted that he had been wearing a mask because of Covid-19

"Previously, we wore masks because of Covid, now because of the haze," he said

Meanwhile, another road user, Budi Ramananda, said that the distribution of masks was to increase public awareness about the dangers of smog.

"This is a form of attention and education about the importance of protecting our bodies from the effects of the haze that is currently covering the city of Mentok, PT Timah, and its employees," he said. (*)