PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Economic Movement of Bintet Village Community, PT Timah Tbk Submits Assistance to Lubuk Menur Jaya Fish Pond Group

BANGKA -- To help the community economy through the group, PT Timah Tbk again gave work tools to community groups. At this time, PT Timah Tbk gives fishery cultivation equipment to the Lubuk Menur Jaya Fish Pond Group, Bintet Village, Belinyu Subdistrict, Bangka regency, Monday (11/15/2021).

Lubuk Menur Jaya Fish Pond Group cultivates catfish and tilapia with the Floating Net Kerambah system. Aquaculture carried out by this group is part of a form of community empowerment. Where the members of the group are a combination of various elements of society such as fishermen, farmers, and youth groups.

Chairman of the Lubuk Menur Jaya Fish Pond Group Vratiko Ardhan said, in the middle of group problems, the group still trying to make new innovations by using the concept of empowerment of group members.

"We still continue to innovate to be able to be independent with the help of members in business management. For example, for fish feed obtained from the results of fishing friends in the form of ruca-ruca fish that they process into feed," he said when receiving assistance.

Admittedly Vratiko Ardhan, there are several problems for them, especially related to the condition of the pool and other cultivation factors.

"There is a problem with pool water conditions that are long less good, so we apply for assistance to PT Timah in the form of water pumping machine assistance, for the circulation of pool water. In addition, we ask for help in the form of roofs for the manufacture of feed houses, as well as frying pans in the manufacture of fish feed. Alhamdullilah this is approved," he said.

He even didn't expect, PT Timah helped them to solve the problems experienced by providing water pump assistance.

"We are very happy with what we asked for and realized by PT Timah so that it helps us in running this business," said Vratiko.

Currently, he said they have 10 Floating Net Kerambah systems and plan to develop 100 Floating Net Kerambah systems by increasing the type of fish to be cultivated.

"Currently we have 10 Floating Net Kerambah systems, our intention is to go forward with group friends to develop this business, our target is 100 Floating Net Kerambah systems," he said.

In addition to developing the aquaculture business, it also plans to open agricultural land in the form of Palawija.

Chairman of RT 07 Bintet Arpandi Village, appreciated PT Timah Tbk which has helped the community for assistance to its citizens.

According to him, in the future, his group will create a village economic center through various efforts made by the group.

"Thank you very much for the help provided by PT Timah to its citizens, this is certainly more motivation for our citizens to continue to be more advanced in doing their business activities," he said. (**)