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Early Childhood Education Programs and Stannia Kindergarten Receive Assistance from PT Timah Tbk

WEST BANGKA -- To improve educational facilities at the Integrated Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Stannia Kindergarten, Sungaibaru, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency, PT Timah Tbk donated chairs and wireless.

This assistance was handed over by PJs, Head of the Unmet Secretariat Division, Rheza Maulana Ibrahim and received by the Principal of the Integrated Childhood Education (PAUD) Stannia Kindergarten, Suparningsih (50), Thursday (11/8/2022).

Childhood Education (PAUD) Stannia Kindergarten was established in 1978 and currently has 90 students. Various achievements have been made at the district to provincial levels.

The Principal of the Integrated Childhood Education, Suparningsih said wireless is a tool needed by schools and chairs to help when schools carry out activities.

"Wireless is an urgent need for kindergartners. So far, the old wireless has been damaged, it can't be used anymore. As for the chairs so far, every time they carry out school activities they have to borrow from the mosque or sometimes rent them," she said.

She said she was grateful to receive facilities from PT Timah Tbk to support educational activities in their schools.

"Alhamdulillah, PT Timah has granted the school's request. This will make it easier for and support the school to carry out teaching and learning activities and school activities, such as organizations, PJTKI, HIMPAUDI, training, and gathering places," she explained.

According to her, PT Timah Tbk also often helps their schools in providing facilities and infrastructure.

"Previously we have also been assisted by printers, laptops, infocus, and assisted in making toilets. We thank PT Timah for supporting education, helping the teaching and learning process in our school," she said.

Meanwhile, the parents of the students, Sinta Maryana, appreciated PT Timah's concern for the education of West Bangka.

"In our opinion, this is a form of extraordinary concern from PT Timah for education in West Bangka. Of course, we parents appreciate, and are grateful. And hope this becomes an example for all parties to pay attention to the future generation of the nation," said the parents. Amanda Saquina.