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Dozens of West Bangka Adiwiyata Cadres Field Study in the PT Timah Conservation Forest Area in the Processing and Smelting Division

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah's Conservation Forest in the Processing and Smelting Division of the Mentok Metallurgical Unit is one of the locations for education about environmental management carried out by PT Timah.

Where many students and the general public come to the conservation area located in Mentok, West Bangka Regency.

Except for the Adiwiyata cadres who are a group of students from various schools in West Bangka who took part in a field study in a conservation forest area, on Tuesday (30/7/2024).

Adiwiyata cadres are school students appointed by the school principal and trained to play an active role in mobilizing the school community and local residents to implement environmentally friendly behavior. The existence of Adiwiyata cadres has an important role in helping schools to implement a healthy environment.

In this field study, Adiwiyata cadres were given material about environmental management carried out by PT Timah, especially the K3LH Processing and Smelting Division.

On this occasion, PT Timah also provided mango tree seedlings to visiting Adiwiyata school representatives. These mango seeds are to be planted at school.

Adiwiyata Cadre students were very enthusiastic about taking part in the lessons provided by PT Timah about environmental management.

Nurul Aisah (13), Kader Adhi Wiyata, who is a grade 8 student at SMPN 5 Mentok, admitted that she was happy because she could learn about forest use and environmental management which could be implemented at school.

Likewise, Musa, a grade 9 student at SMPN 1 Mentok, said that Conservation Forest is in line with the Adiwiyata program at his school.

"Field studies in the PT Timah Conservation Forest are in line with the Adiwiyata Program in schools. "Through learning, we know that leaves don't have to be burned, they can be used as fertilizer for plants," he said.

Head of Adiwiyata Santa Maria Muntok Middle School, Ernita Munte, said that she hopes that her students will become ambassadors to convey the knowledge they have gained to other students.

"This activity is very good because the material that the children get today will later be shared with their friends at school. "So that later it can be implemented in schools to protect the environment for their future," he said.

Likewise, the accompanying teacher at SMP Negeri 3 Mentok, Sari Hartati, conveyed the activity of providing knowledge about the use of conservation forests, so that children can protect their environment.

"This activity is appropriate, not just explanations, but seeing directly how to conserve, plant and utilize forests as best as possible. With this activity, it is hoped that children can protect their environment and this can be applied at school and in life in the community," he said

Meanwhile, the Environmental Impact Control Function of the West Bangka Regency Government Environmental Service, Heriyansah, provided students with an understanding of conservation forests.

According to him, by inviting Adiwiyata students to the Conservation Forest area, they can provide a clear picture of what conservation is, the benefits of conservation forests, PT Timah protecting forest areas, maintaining natural balance, and business sustainability.

"We appreciate PT Timah's activities, for being a government partner in conservation, that PT Timah not only carries out mining activities but also carries out post-mining activities, environmental conservation such as this conservation forest," he said. (*)