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Dozens of Students from the Riau Islands and Riau Provinces Make Various Preparations to Pass PT Timah's Pemali Boarding School Program

KARIMUN -- A total of 13 prospective students from the Riau Islands Province and Riau will take part in the Academic Potential Test, Psychological Test, Interview, and Clinical Psychology of PT Timah's Pemali Boarding School Program which will start on Saturday (18/5/2024) in the Meeting Room of the Asialink Easy hotel by Prasanthi Batam.

After previously being declared to have passed the administrative selection, these dozens of students began to prepare themselves to face further tests to qualify for PT Timah's Pemali Boarding School Program.

The Pemali Boarding School Program is one of the educational scholarship programs from PT Timah that aims to improve the quality of Human Resources in the mining area.

PT Timah's Pemali Boarding School program is always eagerly awaited by students and also parents of students who have graduated from junior high school (SMP) and want to continue to senior high school (SMA).

Enthusiastic registration for the Pemali Boarding School Program also occurs at SMPN 3 Kundur Barat, where every year there is always an increase in interest in taking part in this scholarship program.

Every year SMP Negeri 3 Kundur Barat always sends its alumni to take part in this program, especially as the students have relatively good achievements. This year, as many as six students from SMP Negeri 3 Kundur Barat passed the administrative selection.

Principal of SMP Negeri 3 Kundur Barat Juarno said that the Education Scholarship Program from PT Timah helps students who excel in school.

"There are outstanding students but their families are economically disadvantaged, so if they want to continue their education they find it difficult. However, with this scholarship program, they don't worry about being unable to continue their education," he said.

For this reason, they encourage teachers to motivate students to continue to improve their achievements so they can get this scholarship class program and it is not surprising that this can boost their enthusiasm.

"Many parents expressed their gratitude to us that the scholarship program from PT Timah helped reduce educational costs, because with this program their children gained a lot of things, and all their educational needs were met and provided well and free of charge by the company," he said.

Nindha Setyo Wati, one of the prospective participants from SMP Negeri 3 Kundur Barat, said that she was very motivated and hoped to get this scholarship to help ease the burden on her parents.

Apart from that, he also hopes that he will get a better education there and experience which will certainly be very valuable for his future progress.

"Encouragement from my parents is also part of my spirit because I want to make my parents happy if I later get a scholarship from PT Timah," he said.

He said he was continuing to prepare ahead of the academic potential test which will take place this weekend.

"I continue to prepare myself by increasing my study time compared to the previous day. Hopefully, my efforts and enthusiasm for studying will bring me a brighter future," he said.

Likewise, Felly, one of the participants who had passed the administrative selection for the PT Timah scholarship program, said that to achieve her dreams, she was ready to compete with other children.

"Seeing how many people want to get a scholarship from PT Timah, it's certainly not an easy thing. However, that doesn't dampen my interest and desire to be able to continue my education at Pemali High School," he said.

"In preparation for Saturday, I have prepared myself, mentally and healthily, so that on Saturday I can take the academic test smoothly. Apart from that, I study by looking for references on the internet related to academic tests and sharing experiences with seniors who have successfully passed," he stressed. (*)