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Despite the Rain, Tin People in the Processing and Smelting Division Still Hold the Ceremony to Commemorate the Birth of Pancasila 

WEST BANGKA -- Even though it was raining, it didn't stop Tin People in the Processing and Smelting Division from carrying out the Pancasila Birthday Commemoration ceremony which is celebrated every June 1.

Head of the Processing and Smelting Division, Sofian Simangunsong, acting as upacara inspector, read a written speech by the Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency, Yudian Wahyudi, in the Processing and Smelting Division yard on Saturday (1/6/2024).

The commemoration of Pancasila's Birthday in 2024 carries the theme "Pancasila is the Soul of Unifying the Nation Towards a Golden Indonesia in 2045".

This theme means that Pancasila unites all differences, ethnicity, religion, culture, and language in welcoming 100 years of advanced, independent and sovereign Golden Indonesia.

"In this historic moment, I invite the components of the nation, wherever they are, to work together to refine the values ??of Pancasila into aspects of social, national, and state life," said Sofian reading the speech of the Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency.

Pancasila has proven to be able to unite in facing various waves of challenges and historical tests. So to this day, Indonesia remains strong and resilient as a great nation.

"Hopefully this commemoration of the Birth of Pancasila can inspire all of us to continue practicing Pancasila, for the sake of an Indonesia that is advanced, just, prosperous, and dignified on the world stage," he said. (*)