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Continuing to Improve, PT Timah Collaborates with the Belitung Prosecutor's Office to Hold a Workshop on Tin Mining Management in the Belitung Regency Area

BELITUNG -- PT Timah continues to strive to improve corporate governance in various aspects. This is part of the company's commitment to continue to improve company performance.

Various programs are implemented to improve corporate governance, including providing understanding and education in the legal context for workers.

One of the programs implemented is holding a Workshop on Tin Mining Management in the Belitung Regency Area at the Fairfield Tanjung Pandan Hotel, Belitung, on Tuesday (11/6/2024).

This activity was opened directly by the HR Director of PT Timah Hendra Kusuma Wardana and presented to the Head of the Belitung Regency District Prosecutor's Office, Lila Nasution, as a resource person.

This workshop is aimed at increasing knowledge regarding tin management in mining industry practices to create a conducive investment climate to comply with applicable regulations.

PT Timah Hendra Kusuma Wardana, HR Director, said that this workshop was carried out as an effort to answer the needs of workers in operations so that they could carry out the mining process in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Today it is being held in Belitung Wilasi, later it will be held in other Wilasi. This is an effort to improve in governance which we are starting from the lowest level. Take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions, and discuss problems that are often encountered in the field," said Hendra.

On this occasion, Hendra said that improving tin governance which is currently being carried out is a joint work that must be carried out at all levels, from employees to management.

"We have collaborated with Law Enforcement Officials. The Prosecutor's Office, in this case in the Datun sector, is very good at assisting us in good matters. If you still have doubts about operations, please ask immediately on this occasion," he said.

On this occasion, the HR Director of PT Timah appreciated the Law Enforcement Officials who have supported PT Timah in making improvements to tin governance, the benefits of which are currently being felt by the Company.

"Thank you and appreciation to APH in the law enforcement process. We have seen that what has been done has had an impact on PT Timah, improved share prices, metal prices, and reduced illegal mining," he said.

PT Timah as a tin mining company that represents the country continues to strive to increase its contribution to the country. So various preventive measures must be taken to prevent legal violations.

"We work for the country to make a profit, improving governance is not a short matter, not an easy one. But let's work together not to add to the problem and not be part of the problem," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Belitung Regency District Prosecutor's Office, Lila Nasution, said that this workshop was important as a forum for communication, coordination, and synergistic collaboration—assistance with PT Timah's business processes.

"This workshop will broaden our insight. Timah people's scope of understanding may be limited to the technical implementation of mining. We, the prosecutor's office, are here to provide assistance through the Civil and State Administration sectors," he said.

According to him, the Prosecutor's Office not only takes repressive but also preventive action so that violations of the law do not occur.

"Those who understand the technicalities of mining are Tin People, but they don't understand the regulations. On the other hand, we at the Prosecutor's Office understand the regulations but we don't necessarily understand the technicalities of mining. With this forum we communicate, coordinate and build synergistic collaboration. The Prosecutor's Office is here to improve mining governance and commerce to be better because the regulations already exist, we just need to be on track to implement this," said Lila.

On this occasion, Lila delivered material about criminal acts of corruption, and modes of corruption in mining, and explained tin mining issues that intersect with law enforcement.

"It is important to provide open information from various parties so that this can be prevented. Because the Datun Sector provides assistance. Say what is true because open communication creates good coordination so that strategic collaboration can be formed. The ultimate goal is to provide the same as providing welfare for the community," he said. . (*)