PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Concrete Steps to Maintain Coastal Ecosystems, PT Timah Has Planted 119,150 Mangroves in the Company's Operational Area

PANGKALPINANG — Mangroves play an important role in maintaining coastal ecosystems, restoring degraded land, and maintaining the quality of the surrounding water and air. For this reason, PT Timah consistently plants mangroves in the Company's operational areas.

PT Timah is aware that cultivating and planting mangroves is one of the efforts to realize the carbon neutral or net zero emission target by 2060.

Members of the MIND ID Mining Industry carry out mangrove planting as a form of marine reclamation and environmental preservation together with the community through PT Timah's TJSL program.

Between 2017-2023, PT Timah planted 119,150 stems in the Company's operational areas, namely Bangka Island, Belitung, and Kundur Island.

Mangroves can support a spectrum of surrounding ecosystems, such as coral clusters, seagrass beds, and stretches of mud and sand. Its existence can protect beaches from seawater abrasion. Mangroves in Indonesia itself are one of the world's carbon-rich forests, which can overcome climate change, which is now a problem for the world's population. ??Not only planting, PT Timah also involves community groups to care for and carry out mangrove nurseries as an educational effort to maintain the mangrove ecosystem. In West Bangka, for example, PT Timah collaborates with Gapoktan Tanjung Jaya to carry out mangrove planting and mangrove cultivation.

This TINS-coded issuer also collaborates with the Regional Government to carry out environmental conservation programs by planting mangroves, such as supporting the Bangka Belitung Raykat Planting Spirit (Semarak Babel) program to improve critical land.

Apart from planting mangroves, PT Timah also carries out mangrove rehabilitation with community groups, youth, academics, and fishermen groups. This is an effort to prevent abrasion and protect coastal ecosystems.

PT Timah's Head of Corporate Communications, Anggi Siahaan, said that PT Timah's commitment to planting mangroves has been going on for a long time. Planting mangroves is a concrete step for the company to preserve the coastal ecosystem.

“We realize the importance of mangrove ecosystems for the environment and coastal communities. "Through this initiative, we hope to make a real contribution to preserving nature and supporting local communities," said Anggi.

Anggi said that PT Timah also involves employees in various mangrove planting activities because sustainable environmental management has become the company's main commitment.

In commemoration of World Mangrove Day, PT Timah also planted mangroves in several areas in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province and Riau Islands Province.

Welcoming PT Timah's 48th anniversary on August 2, PT Timah is also promoting the planting of 48,000 trees which will be carried out in January-August 2024. This tree planting was carried out in various operational areas of the Company. (*)