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Comparative Study to PT Timah, PT Smelting Gresik Increases Insight into Social Innovation Programs 

WEST BANGKA -- PT Smelting Gresik conducted a comparative study to the Processing and Smelting Division of PT Timah to increase insight into social innovations carried out by PT Timah.

PT Timah carries out several social innovation programs to support PROPER performance. The social innovation program in the Processing and Smelting Division of PT Timah is carried out in West Bangka.

The arrival of the PT Smelting Gresik team led by Bouman Tiroi Situmorang was welcomed directly by the Deputy Head of the Processing and Smelting Division of PT Timah Kopdi Saragih at the Guest House, on Friday (8/29/2024).

During this visit, the PT Timah team explained about the social innovation program carried out in the Processing and Smelting Division which was continued with a joint discussion.

Coordinator Bouman Tiroi Situmorang said that the group's arrival was to increase insight regarding PROPER carried out in the Processing and Smelting Division.

"The point is for Proper, especially Green Proper and above because our score is not that high compared to PT Timah. We see that PT Timah's Proper score is the highest in the Group so we visit here, to learn what we can imitate. So that we can raise the Proper score of PT Smelting," he said.

According to him, from the presentation, there are several things that they can implement to support the Proper assessment.

"The point is we see here involving all employees, they feel they have a PT Timah program after the discussion is finished we see the smelting process," he said. (*)