PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Committed to Supporting Inclusive Education, PT Timah Again Holds a Workshop for Teachers and Parents with Disabilities in Belitung

BELITUNG - PT Timah's commitment to support has been going on for a long time, including inclusive education for people with disabilities. One effort to improve the quality of education for children with special needs is by providing training for teachers and parents with disabilities.

PT Timah held a Workshop for Children with Special Needs 'Educating Children with Special Needs to Become Independent and Useful Human Beings' which was held in the Belitung Regency Government Meeting room, on Tuesday (23/7/2024).

The workshop, which was presented by Iin Indriyani S.Si, M.M from Rumah Indira Human Potential Development Consultant & Rahmadi Iwan Guntoro, was attended by teachers from the Tanjungpandan State SLB and Aqila Tanjungpandan Natural School as well as parents with disabilities.

This activity was also attended by the Head of the Belitung Regency Social, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection Service, Kasimin, the Head of the Belitung Regency Education and Culture Service, Subagio.

Previously, PT Timah had also held a workshop for Children with Special Needs on Bangka Island which was attended by hundreds of teachers and parents. This activity was welcomed enthusiastically by the participants.

Head of the Belitung Regency Social, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service, Kasimin, said that his party welcomed this activity from PT Timah for participating in paying attention to children with special needs in Belitung.

According to him, in Belitung Regency, there are quite a number of people with disabilities ranging from hundreds. This activity will initiate collaboration between the government and PT Timah in an effort to pay more attention to children with special needs.

"Thank you to PT Timah for holding activities like this and we hope that similar activities will be carried out more often. And we also hope that there will be cooperation between the government and PT Timah which has already started to dig deeper into children with special needs," he said.

This workshop provides material about the role of parents and teachers in assisting children with special needs to be more independent and useful. In this activity, discussions also took place between participants and resource persons.

Members of the MIND ID Mining Industry consistently support education for people with disabilities. One of them is by supporting education at the YPAC Pangkalpinang Foundation. (*)