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Commitment to Implementing GCG, PT Timah Holds Vendor Gathering 2024 which Discusses Legal Risk Mitigation of Procurement of Goods/Services at PT Timah

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah Tbk held a Vendor Gathering 2024 which was attended by hundreds of PT Timah Tbk business partners engaged in the procurement of goods and services which was held at Graha Timah Pangkalpinang, Wednesday (28/8/2024).

The 2024 Vendor Gathering carries the theme 'Mitigation of Legal Risks in Procurement of Goods/Services within PT Timah Tbk' which presents the High Prosecutor's Office of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province together with the Prosecutor's Office in the Bangka Belitung Region.

This event, which was attended by business partners and vendors, aims to strengthen the commitment to implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the entire process of procuring goods and services at PT Timah Tbk.

This activity was also attended by the Director of Production Operations PT Timah Nur Adi Kuncoro, Head of Assistant for Intelligence at the Bangka Belitung High Prosecutor's Office Fadil Regan, Head of Assistant for Civil and State Administration at the Bangka Belitung High Prosecutor's Office Romy Arizyanto, Head of Assistant for Special Crimes at the Bangka Belitung High Prosecutor's Office Suseno, South Bangka Prosecutor's Office Riama Sihite and representatives from the District Attorney's Office in the Bangka Belitung region.

Previously, MIND ID Mining Industry Holding had implemented preventive measures to ensure that every strategic business step was carried out in accordance with anti-corruption policies and management systems.

This commitment was realized through the MIND ID Group Legal Consolidation 2024, entitled Increasing Understanding and Capabilities in Early Detection & Prevention of Corruption within the MIND ID Group which was held in early August.

Apart from that, PT Timah Tbk has requested legal assistance from the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration (Jamdatun) at the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung) regarding the implementation of mining partnerships at PT Timah Tbk and requests for legal assistance regarding the Review of Directors' Regulations Concerning Goods Procurement Guidelines/ Services at PT Timah Tbk which were marked by a kickoff meeting on July 29 2024.

PT Timah's Director of Operations and Production, Nur Adi Kuncoro, on this occasion, expressed his appreciation to the Bangka Belitung High Prosecutor's Office and its staff for providing assistance to PT Timah. He also appreciated PT Timah's vendors and business partners who have committed to supporting PT Timah's operations and production processes.

As a BUMN, he said, PT Timah continues to strive to provide maximum contribution in managing natural resources. So in its activities, it often intersects with applicable legal regulations. In carrying out business processes, PT Timah continues to prioritize the principles of prudence and accuracy so as not to cause legal problems in the future.

Through the 2024 Vendor Gathering activity, the aim is to increase the credibility and trust of providers of goods and services, establishing cooperative relationships that apply GCG principles, and are efficient, effective, transparent, and accountable.

"We also hope for input from vendors regarding matters that we still need to perfect together so that the procurement process for goods and services within PT Timah can run according to applicable regulations because procurement has been carried out using the Eproc Next Generation (Eproc NG) application system. he said.

Meanwhile, Chief Assistant for Intelligence at the Bangka Belitung High Prosecutor's Office, Fadil Regan, in his speech said that this activity was important to mitigate the risk of legal violations in the process of procuring goods and services.

He believes that activities like this are PT Timah's steps to mitigate the risk of violating the law in the future. He admitted that the process of procuring goods and services often has legal risks if it is carried out not in accordance with statutory regulations.

According to him, through the Civil and State Administration Division at the Bangka Belitung High Prosecutor's Office, PT Timah can provide legal audit assistance and legal assistance in drafting board regulations regarding the procurement of goods and services so that they are in line with other regulations.

"We welcome this activity because it is important to carry out. Moreover, regulations related to the procurement of goods and services continue to change, for this reason PT Timah can ask for assistance from the Datun Division in this matter so that the regulations that will be issued are in line with other regulations and are comprehensive because this will be guidelines for both vendors and PT Timah," he said.

Fadil said that the procurement of goods and services is vulnerable to criminal acts of corruption, so implementation must be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. He hopes that activities like this will continue to be encouraged to stimulate and minimize risks from the procurement of goods and services.

"Thank you for the trust given to the high court regarding this activity. Hopefully it will be useful for PT Timah and its vendors so that they can avoid legal problems that occur in the future," he said.

One of the PT Timah vendors, Edy from CV PT Agronesia Unit Inkabat, said that he had been a PT Timah vendor for 30 years. This activity can broaden their insight in mitigating the risks of procuring goods and services to avoid violating the law.

"Frankly, we gained a lot of new insights from this activity because we can anticipate legal violations because risk mitigation has been carried out," he said.

Likewise, Andri, one of PT Timah's vendors, said that by holding this event they could learn more about mitigating procurement risks within PT Timah.

"So far, during the 14 years we have been vendors at PT Timah, we have always followed the procurement procedures implemented by PT Timah, and holding this event has also broadened our collective knowledge," he said.

On this occasion, the Head of Assistant for Civil and State Administration Affairs at the Bangka Belitung High Prosecutor's Office, Romy Arizyanto, delivered material on the Role of JPN in Mitigating Legal Risks in the Procurement of Goods and Services within BUMN.

The 2024 Vendor Gathering also held interactive discussions between PT Timah's business partners and PT Timah as well as the Bangka Belitung High Prosecutor's Office.

Not only that, this activity was also carried out with the symbolic signing of the latest Format Integrity Pact represented by business partners PT DOK and Perkapalan and PT Adi Sarana Armada. (*)