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Commitment to Environmental Management, Kundur Metallurgical Unit PT Timah Tbk Wins Seven Awards in the Environmental And Social Innovation Award

KARIMUN -- In carrying out mining, PT Timah Tbk continues to be committed to preserving the environment. Not only that, but PT Timah Tbk also continues to innovate in environmental management.

PT Timah Tbk's concrete steps in implementing environmental management have yielded sweet results where the Kundur Production Unit of PT Timah Tbk won the Environmental And Social Innovation Award or ENSIA which Sucofindo held.

The Kundur Production Unit of PT Timah Tbk won seven awards in the aspects of energy efficiency, emission reduction, B3 waste reduction, 3R non-B3 solid waste, water efficiency, pollution load reduction, biodiversity protection, and social innovation.

The seven awards are four platinum categories, two gold, and one silver. This award was presented at the Gumaya Hotel Semarang on Wednesday (9/9/2022).

The Jury Team from Sucofindo Budi Utomo S.TP, M.Sc said that PT Timah Tbk through the Kundur Metallurgical Unit had been able to meet the requirements in the ENSIA assessment.

"One form of assessment, each company is obliged to collect papers for each aspect of the competition. Papers are judged by judges with practitioners and academic backgrounds who have technical abilities according to the topics being contested," he said.

"Some of the criteria used for the assessment, namely Environmental and Social Innovation, include the novelty of the program and the uniqueness of the program, the impact of the program on the environment, and the impact of the program on society," he continued.

Furthermore, he conveyed that the Kundur Production Unit of PT Timah Tbk carried out an environmental innovation program by carrying out efficiency and reducing pollution loads. This has a positive impact on the environment, especially energy savings, reduction of conventional and greenhouse gas emissions, reduction of B3 waste, utilization and reduction of non-B3 solid waste, water efficiency, and reduction of pollution load as well as protection of biodiversity.

One of the innovations made in the aspect of efficiency and reducing the pollution load is the Modification of the Shaking Table in Increasing the Capacity of the SHP Process.

This innovation is one of several programs implemented by PT Timah Tbk Metallurgical Unit Kundur in an effort to reduce the use of water for the company's production process.

"In addition, the Kundur Metallurgical Unit PT Timah Tbk has shown its commitment to environmental management and community empowerment through its environmental and social innovation programs, and PT Sucofindo appreciates this through the ENSIA award ceremony," he said.

Similarly, the judging team Dede Abdul Hasyir, S.E as well as one of the practitioners from Padjadjaran University said that activities like this will bring new innovations from each company to preserve the environment in carrying out their business processes.

"We hope that this activity will become a magnet for other companies so that they can show the same concern for nature and the environment for the sustainability of nature and the next life," he said.

In addition to handing over the ENSIA award, this activity was also filled with a talk show with speakers from the Director of Water Pollution Control at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Nety Widayati, and a Diponegoro University Professor who is also the Chair of the KLHK PROPER Advisory Council, Soedharto P Hadi.