PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Commemorating World Mangrove Day, PT Timah Tbk Plants 5000 Mangroves at Pouring Beach

CENTRAL BANGKA - Commemorating World Mangrove Day which falls on July 26 2023, PT Timah Tbk together with Karang Taruna Bempampak, Baskara Bakti Village carried out mangrove planting at Menuang Beach, Baskara Bakti Village, Namang District, Central Bangka Regency, Wednesday (26/07/ 23).

The planting of 5000 Rhizofora-type mangrove seedlings involved all layers of the Baskara Bakti Village community, stakeholders, and employees of PT Timah Tbk.

The Head of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service for the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Agus Suryadi, appreciated the activities carried out by PT Timah Tbk.

"We, from the Provincial Government of the Bangka Belitung Islands, really appreciate and thank PT Timah for carrying out this activity. So that people are responsible for their environment, especially in coastal areas like this," said Agus.

He said mangroves play an important role in reducing the impact of climate change and protecting coastal ecosystems.

"Climate change is so fast due to very extreme natural phenomena. One way we can do this is by increasing blue carbon. Planting mangroves also has the ability to bind and release carbon. Of course, this is something that is useful for our lives in the future for our children and grandchildren," he said.

He hopes that other corporations in Bangka Belitung can carry out activities such as those carried out by PT Timah Tbk. He hopes that this activity can be carried out massively.

"This is one form of PT Timah Tbk in stimulating the community so that the community becomes responsible for the state of the environment. Because environmental problems are not the problem of just one corporation or local government, but are a problem for all of us," he said.

According to him, planting mangroves is a small step but has a big impact on the future.

"This is a social responsibility that is our shared responsibility and PT Timah has started it. We hope that PT Timah will always be part of the Bangka Belitung Island community, from all the problems and solutions that exist, so that we can make it happen together," he said.

Meanwhile, General Manager of PT Timah Tbk Robertus Bambang Susilo also hopes that the preservation of these mangroves can be maintained.

“Planting 5,000 mangrove seedlings is a very positive activity. Apart from carrying out the greening program in this area, we can also gather together with stakeholders, tin employees, and the community. so that we become one together to make this place green," he said.

According to him, the planting of mangroves will be carried out by PT Timah Tbk in all of the company's operational areas. This activity will also involve the community such as collaborating with youth organizations.

"To all levels of society, we hope that the preservation of mangroves in this area can be maintained, and PT Timah will of course always be present to facilitate and encourage activities like this, so that the preservation of nature in the Bangka Belitung area will get better from time to time," said Robert.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Bempampak Youth Organization Nur Kholis said that his party was collaborating with PT Timah Tbk and hoped that this activity could protect the coastal ecosystem together.

"We really hope that in this activity it will not only be ceremonial but we must protect what we have planted. So that the mangrove seeds that we plant can thrive and have benefits for our lives," he said.

Meanwhile, members of HIMASERDA UNMUH BABEL Andika Juliansyah really appreciated the activities carried out by PT Timah Tbk.

"We are very grateful to PT Timah for involving us in this activity, where this activity is an effort to commemorate world mangrove day," he said.

According to him, this activity will make more and more people love nature in Bangka Belitung. He hopes that PT Timah Tbk will carry out this activity more often.

"Hopefully with this activity, we can open all of our hearts and minds to be able to continue to love the forest, the nature that surrounds us. This activity is very good, we hope that in the future PT Timah Tbk can carry out this in Babel," he said. (*)