PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Commemorating World Environment Day 2023, PT Timah Tbk Together with FPKL Pangke Tanam Village 1000 Mangrove

KARIMUN -- In commemoration of World Environment Day 2023, PT Timah Tbk Kundur Production Unit together with the Environmental Welfare Concern Forum (FPKL) Community of Pangke Village, Meral District, Karimun Regency planted mangroves, Monday (05/06/2023).

A total of 1000 mangroves were planted in Ambat Kaya Beach, Pangke Village, West Meral District, Karimun Regency. This activity was also supported by the Karimun Regency Environmental Service, LAM Karimun, Indonesian Roots, and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Chief Executive Sahar Jamahat expressed his appreciation to PT Timah Tbk for the assistance and support of MIND ID Mining Industry Holding Members so that the mangrove planting activities could be carried out.

In the future, he hopes that this mangrove planting activity can be carried out sustainably.

"Today we are planting 1,000 mangrove seedlings which are suitable for the natural conditions here. Hopefully, this activity can inspire the whole community to participate in preserving nature and the environment for the sustainability and sustainability of our children and grandchildren and future generations," he said.

According to Sahar, PT Timah Tbk has played an active role and has an extraordinary commitment to carrying out sustainable and consistent environmental management. Not only that, but PT Timah Tbk has also installed abrasion barriers that can reduce the impact of coastal abrasion.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Akar Bhumi Indonesia Sony Riyanto said this planting was really needed especially in the area around here which is one of the busy sea traffic lanes. This can also cause abrasion on the shoreline.

Sony invites people to care and have concern for the environment.

"If we have a sense of concern for the environment, the sea that we care for will have a positive impact on all of us. If the mangrove forest can be maintained properly and there will be fish in balance, and that's very good," he said. (*)