PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Commander of Kostrad Inspects PT Timah Tbk's Mobile Health Service in Beriga Village, Residents Enthusiastically Seek Medical Attention

CENTRAL BANGKA -- The presence of PT Timah Tbk's Mobile Health at the Gedung Kesenian (Art Building) in Beriga Village, Lubuk District, Central Bangka Regency, was swarmed by the local community seeking free health check-ups on Friday (December 15, 2022).

People were willing to wait in line for their turn to undergo health check-ups during the 'Mass Medical Treatment of the TNI AD Manunggal Air Movement and Social Work Collaboration of Kostrad and PT Timah Tbk,' which took place in the morning.

A total of more than a hundred people received health services from PT Timah Tbk's Mobile Health. Commander of Kostrad Major General Muhammad Saleh Mustafa, President Director of PT Timah Tbk Ahmad Dani Virsal, Acting Governor of Bangka Belitung Safrizal, Chief of Police of Bangka Belitung Police Inspector General Tornagogo, Regional Military Commander 045, Brigadier General TNI Agustinus Dedy Prasetyo, Central Bangka Regent Algafry Rahman directly reviewed the health services provided by PT Timah Tbk in the Mobile Health unit.

Commander of Kostrad Major General Muhammad Saleh Mustafa was also seen greeting and engaging in dialogue with the people receiving health services from PT Timah Tbk's Mobile Health.

"Stay healthy, ladies," he said during the inspection.

PT Timah Tbk's Mobile Health is a free health service provided by PT Timah Tbk, reaching the entire community in the company's operational area. In 2023, PT Timah Tbk's Mobile Health served over three thousand people by visiting dozens of locations in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province and the Riau Islands Province.

Meanwhile, the Head of Beriga Village, Gani, stated that the people in their village were enthusiastic about participating in the health services provided by PT Timah Tbk's Mobile Health.

"It turns out many people are sick, as seen from the enthusiasm of the residents who came here for treatment. Perhaps, until now, they were reluctant to seek treatment because healthcare facilities are quite far, but with the presence of this mobile health unit, the direct approach to the community has resulted in many seeking medical attention," he said.

According to him, residents of Beriga Village came to take advantage of this health service. He hopes that this health service can return to their village.

"There are three hamlets in Beriga Village, and it seems like everyone seeking treatment is from these three hamlets. Because, indeed, residents become closer to receiving medical attention," he said.

One of the residents who received health services from PT Timah Tbk's Mobile Health, Supali (58) from Berikat Hamlet, said he was very helped by the health services provided by PT Timah Tbk.

"I was examined by the doctor earlier, the service was also good, and I feel closer to getting medical attention. Usually, if I want to seek treatment, I have to go to Lubuk, which is quite far from here," he said.

He hopes that the community health services of PT Timah Tbk's Mobile Health can return to their village.

Similarly, Rosihan (68), a resident of Beriga Village, expressed that he was very grateful for the PT Timah Tbk Mobile Health program.

"Alhamdulillah, this is good because it's close and free, the service is also friendly. Hopefully, we can seek treatment here again in the future," he said. (*)