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Collaboration with Belitung Student Family Association, PT Timah Tbk Introduces Suak Gual Village on Mendanau Island

*Support the IKPB Program to Serve Belitung Island in 2022

BELITUNG - The Belitong Student Family Association (IKPB) is holding IKPB activities to serve in 2022. Suak Gual Village on Mendanau Island, Nasik Selat Subdistrict, Belitung Regency is the location for the IKPB agenda to serve in 2022.

PT Timah Tbk participated in the IKPB Serving Year 2022 activity by providing support for IKPB to carry out the programs to be carried out, namely education and the environment, social and economy as well as tourism development.

Head of the Central IKPB Geovanni Dwintara said the three programs were carried out in various activities such as teaching elementary schools, outreach to schools and youth, cleaning docks and mosques, and painting trash cans.

Then held outreach to fishermen regarding work safety, and socialization of stunting issues to mothers, industry 4.0 training related to the development of digitalization for MSMEs, and other social activities.

"We gave 63 ATK packages to Suak Gual Elementary School students, besides that we also had fishermen's assistance in the form of head flashlights, and we painted three fishing boats," said Geovanni when receiving assistance from PT Timah Tbk, Thursday (6/4/2022).

According to Geovanni, there are two programs in the tourism sector, namely the development of the Menangin hill and the less exposed Lancor tower, so they made a video that was posted on the IKPB Instagram because the tower is also a part of history, but access is still quite difficult.

"It has tourism potential that needs to be developed and our input is still being carried out by the village," he explained.

Geovanni is grateful that their program ran smoothly and was accepted by the people of Suak Gual. Of course, through IKPB, this service wants to introduce to the Belitong community that students care about villages in Belitong, because there are still villages that must be developed, especially coastal areas.

"We see the potential of Suak Gual has tremendous potential to be developed and maximized," he explained.

Therefore, on behalf of IKPB, he expressed his gratitude for the assistance of PT Timah Tbk, because the assistance of PT Timah Tbk was very useful for IKPB to serve 2022.

Of course, he hopes that in the future PT Timah Tbk will continue to support further IKPB activities.

"We appreciate the consistency of PT Timah Tbk in terms of helping IKPB activities, especially this which has a direct impact on the community," he said. **