PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Collaboration with AMPG, PT Timah Tbk Plants 5000 Mangrove Stems in West Bangka

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah Tbk is again planting mangroves in West Bangka, after previously collaborating with the West Bangka Police. This time PT Timah Tbk collaborated with the Mentok Punya Gawe Children's Community (AMPG) to plant mangroves on the border of Tanjung Pak Dan Beach, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency.PT Timah Tbk together with AMPGn planted 5000 stems of the Rhizopora type of mangrove on Wednesday (25/10/2023).

Members of the MIND ID PT Timah Tbk Mining Industry Holding consistently carry out mangrove planting in the company's operational areas.

Apart from planting mangroves, PT Timah Tbk also carries out mangrove rehabilitation with community groups, youth, academics, and fishermen groups. This is an effort to prevent abrasion and protect coastal ecosystems.

Head of the West Bangka Environmental Service, Syafriadi Chandra, said that PT Timah is very consistent and committed to preserving the environment. He said that this activity provides benefits to the environment and society.

Apart from that, activities like this, he said, are a means to educate the public so that they can work together to preserve the environment. For this reason, he also appreciated PT Timah Tbk for involving the community in planting mangroves.

"The presence of mangrove trees is very important for the ecosystem within, protecting against abrasion on the coast. Apart from that, these mangrove trees absorb CO2 and emit oxygen, meaning this is very beneficial for decarbonization and we really appreciate PT Timah which continues to be committed to maintaining sustainability. environment," he said.

Chairman of the AMPG Yudarta Foundation said that his party is grateful and appreciates PT Timah Tbk which often supports activities carried out by their community.

"We are also working with Gapoktan Tanjung Jaya, where we have been planning this idea for a long time because in this area the pollution is quite severe. "And we conveyed our ideas to PT Timah and Alhamdullilah they responded quickly," he said.

He said they got the mangrove seeds from community groups, so they could support the community's economic cycle.

He also hopes that this mangrove planting activity can have a positive impact on the environment. Because mangroves function to resist abrasion and protect coastal ecosystems and they also plan to build mangrove tourism.

"We will plant approximately one hectare of land in today's activity. "In the future, we also plan to make this mangrove planting activity a routine agenda that will be carried out in other areas in West Bangka," he said.

According to Yudarta, his party often collaborates with PT Timah in various activities. He hopes that this synergy can continue.

"This is the umpteenth time we have been supported by PT Timah, and we are very grateful. "Thank you PT Timah Tbk. I hope you don't get bored of supporting our activities in the future," he said.

Meanwhile, President of Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung University Students (Presma UnMuh Babel) Agung said that this was the first time they had collaborated with PT Timah Tbk to carry out mangrove planting activities.

"We have seen that several coastal points in Bangka are experiencing erosion, we hope that in the future we can collaborate with PT Timah to repair the damaged ecosystem. "Hopefully PT Timah will continue to carry out activities like this and continue to maintain the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem in Bangka Belitung and can collaborate with students and the community, of course," said Agung.

This mangrove planting activity was also attended Head of the West Bangka Environmental Service, Commander of West Bangka KODIM 0431, West Bangka Police Chief, Muhammdiyah Bangka Belitung University Student Executive Board, Mentok 1 State Vocational School Students, Tanjung Jaya Gapoktan, PT Timah Tbk Employees, and the surrounding community. (*)