PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Collaboration for Regional Food Security, PT Timah Supports Farmer Groups in East Belitung to Plant Red Onions 

EAST BELITUNG -- To support food security in the Company's operational areas, PT Timah continues to strive to stimulate the agricultural sector in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

Collaborating with the Bina Tani Farmers Group in Gangse Danau Nujau Hamlet, Gantung Village, East Belitung Regency, and also Kodim 0414, PT Timah through its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program supports shallot planting activities.

The first planting of shallots jointly carried out by Kodim 0414/Belitung with PT Timah took place on June 26. This planting activity was also attended by the Deputy Regent of East Belitung, Khairil Anwar.

A total of one ton of local shallot seeds were planted on one hectare of land. It is hoped that the next harvest will reach 15 tons of shallots per hectare.

Member of the Bina Tani Farmers Group, Dedi Jumadi, said that they had planted shallots four times in an area of ??0.5 hectares.

"PT Timah's involvement as a mining company that supports the agricultural sector means that these two sectors can coexist and can support each other for a sustainable regional economy," he said, on Tuesday (2/7/2024).

He appreciated PT Timah for being involved in supporting the shallot farming that they are currently involved in. This support, he said, provides encouragement for farmers to be really serious about developing shallot farming so that in the future their area can become a center for shallots.

Dedi hopes that in the future the synergy and collaboration with PT Timah can continue, such as coaching for groups to increase their insight into shallot farming.

"Hopefully this can continue, because we also still need assistance to increase our knowledge so that our agricultural products can be better, for example through training or comparative studies," he hoped. (*)