PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Collaboration for Conservation, PT Timah Manages Tens of Hectares of Biodiversity Forest Land in Bangka Belitung Province and Riau Islands Province

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah is one of the tin mining companies in Indonesia that is consistent in implementing environmental protection and management and biodiversity.

One of the initiatives carried out by PT Timah is implementing the Biodiversity Forest or Biodiversity Forest program.

PT Timah manages 56.2 hectares of Biodiversity Forest, spread over 2.2 hectares in the Mentok City Forest, West Bangka Regency, 37 hectares in Kampoeng Reclamation of Water, Bangka Regency, and 17 hectares in the Kundur Biodiversity Forest in Karimun Regency.

Biodiversity Forest is an effort to preserve the natural ecosystem around the company by protecting and maintaining the flora and fauna within it and its ecological roles.

The Biodiversity Forest is home to various endemic species. This initiative not only focuses on planting trees but also includes ecosystem rehabilitation, scientific research, and empowering local communities through environmental education programs.

PT Timah, in carrying out the protection of Natural Forests, carries out several programs such as planting and replanting, plant maintenance and care - enrichment of plant species, animal care, tissue culture laboratory, plant nurseries, and monitoring and evaluation.

The Biodiversity Forest management program carried out by PT Timah has impacted the environmental ecosystem. This can be seen from the increase in the number of types of flora and fauna in each biodiversity forest.

Currently, the number of flora and fauna in the Muntok Natural Forest is 61 types of flora and 36 types of fauna. Meanwhile, in Kampoeng Water Reclamation, there are 52 types of flora and 37 types of fauna. In the Kundur Forest, there are 32 types of flora and 44 types of fauna.

PT Timah's Biodiversity Forest is also the company's effort to preserve endemic flora and fauna in the area. So that later we can sustainably maintain the ecosystem.

PT Timah's Head of Corporate Communications, Anggi Siahaan said, that PT Timah in carrying out business processes always complies with environmental regulatory requirements and also implements various programs that not only meet regulatory requirements (beyond compliance) in preserving biodiversity.

"PT Timah integrates biodiversity management by ensuring ecosystem sustainability, preventing and minimizing the impact of activities on biodiversity. One of them is the Biodiversity Forest," said Anggi.

Through this initiative, PT Timah is a concrete step in preserving the environment. The success of Biodiversity Forests requires long-term commitment and collaboration between various parties, including government, academics, and local communities.

For this reason, PT Timah continues to collaborate with community groups in protecting this area. PT Timah's Biodiversity Forest Area has also now become a means of education and recreation for the community. (*)