PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Collaborating with Mosque Management in Pangkalpinang, PT Timah Tbk Distributes Thousands of Basic Food Packages

PANGKALPINANG – PT Timah Tbk distributed thousands of basic food packages for the community in Pangkalpinang City to help residents in the Holy Month of Ramadan 1444 Hijriah.

This MIND ID Mining Industry Holding member collaborated with mosque administrators in Pangkalpinang City to distribute thousands of basic food packages in an activity entitled 'Timah Merik Sembako'.

Later these basic food packages will be distributed by mosque administrators to the community such as mosque marbots, Koran teachers, the elderly, orphans, and low-income people.

As Salam Mosque administrator Beni Agustiar (39) is very grateful that his party was involved by PT Timah Tbk in distributing basic food packages to people in need.

"With an activity like this we really appreciate the program from PT Timah, because with assistance like this it really touches the community and is felt directly by the residents," he said.

According to him, by collaborating with PT Timah Tbk they can work hand in hand to help the community. Moreover, this assistance is routinely carried out by PT Timah Tbk.

"Inshaallah we will distribute this assistance to recipients such as Marbot, Koran teachers, and residents who are less fortunate," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of RT 06, Air Salemba, Gabek Marwin District (49) was also grateful for his party's involvement in distributing the aid.

"Alhamdullilah, in distributing basic food assistance like this every year we are always involved by PT Timah Tbk to distribute them to residents. Collaboration like this is certainly very good and very good so that this assistance is right on target," he said.

According to him, the availability of basic food packages especially ahead of Eid like this really helps their residents.

"We really feel helped by the existence of a program like this from PT Timah, because indirectly we are also helping our less fortunate people, besides that they are also grateful for the assistance provided by PT Timah," he said.

"In addition to this basic food assistance, our residents also routinely receive qurbani meat assistance from PT Timah. So that our residents really feel the benefits of PT Timah's presence," he said. (**)