PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Collaborating to Reduce Critical Land in Bangka Belitung, PT Timah Supports the Semarak Babel Program 

PANGKALPINANG -- President Director of PT Timah Ahmad Dani Virsal was directly present at the launch of Simultaneous Tree Planting in the Bangka Belitung People's Planting Spirit (Semarak Babel) program initiated by the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial Government.

The launch of the Semarak Babel program was marked by simultaneous tree planting which was carried out in the Sahabudin GOR Area, Pangkalpinang City, and also marked the simultaneous launch of the Bangka Belitung People's Spirit of Planting (Semarak Babel) program, Tuesday (23/7/2024).

PT Timah supports Semarak Babel activities which are carried out simultaneously in districts/cities in Bangka Belitung. This is the company's commitment to preserving the environment.

Member of the MIND ID Mining Industry holding, PT Timah has also launched a program to plant 48,000 trees to welcome PT Timah's 48th anniversary on August 2.

Currently, tens of thousands of trees have been planted in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

Consistently, PT Timah has carried out sustainable tree planting in the company's operational areas in reclamation programs and environmental conservation programs.

Acting Governor of Bangka Belitung, Safrizal SA, in this activity said that the simultaneous planting in the Semarak Babel Program was an effort to reduce critical land in Bumi Serumpun Sebalai.

He explained that 167,000 hectares of land in Babel are critical in the categories of less critical, critical, and very critical.

For this reason, his party invites all parties, forkompinda, vertical agencies, the business world, and the community to encourage tree planting to reduce critical land.

"From the start, we were determined to plant as many trees as possible. This cannot be done by the regional government alone. Everything must be done together, Mr. Kapolda and Mr. Kajati often plant. PT Timah has its own responsibilities, people who use natural resources have all responsibilities. , and we must continue this movement," he said.

According to him, from January to early July 2024 forkompimda throughout the Bangka Belitung Islands have planted 943 thousand trees to reforest critical lands left behind by tin ore mining and illegal forest encroachment.

"Today we planted 57 thousand trees, meaning that exactly one million trees have been planted to re-green critical land in this area," he said.

In the future, Safrizal hopes that the enthusiasm for planting trees will continue to grow so that it can reduce critical land in Babylon for the benefit of future generations.

"By planting trees so that our earth can be resurrected, we can put hope again. After we take the results, we will make the earth green. The future depends on what we do today. IUP holders must carry out reclamation," he said.

Meanwhile, PT Timah Main Director Ahmad Dani Virsal said, PT Timah continues to synergize and collaborate with the Regional Government, Community and Society to preserve the environment.

"We fully support the Semarak Babel program and PT Timah has consistently planted trees. Sustainable environmental management efforts are one of the Company's commitments in implementing business processes," said Dani.

He added that PT Timah is also carrying out the planting of 48,000 productive trees to welcome PT Timah's 48th anniversary.

"PT Timah is also encouraging the planting of 48,000 trees in the context of PT Timah's anniversary which is currently underway and will peak on August 2. This program is also in line with the Bangka Belitung Provincial Government Program," he said. (*)