PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Celebrating the Anniversary of SMAN 1 Pemali, PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car Provides Free Checkups for Local Residents

BANGKA - PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car continues to guerrilla visits to the company's operational areas one by one to provide free health services to the community.

The presence of the PT Timah Tbk Health Car provided health services for the residents of Air Duren Village, Pemali District, Bangka Regency.

Located in the courtyard of Pemali 1 State Senior High School (SMAN), hundreds of residents flocked to take part in the free inspection activity, Thursday (07/27/23).

Kasni (66), a resident of Jalan Kenangan, Pemali Village, said that she felt relieved after participating in having her health checked in the healthy car owned by PT Timah Tbk.

"You know there is an activity today from school, about the mother selling things in the school canteen and it was announced that this Thursday there will be free medical treatment from PT Timah. Thank God we had the time to come here," he said.

"I feel relieved after being examined, it's a bit comfortable. Because I went straight for treatment, I already knew what kind of illness I was suffering from," said Kasni.

He hopes that this free examination activity can be carried out again in the future, by inviting specialist doctors.

"Hopefully in the future, PT Timah will be more advanced and more successful. As well as being able to bring in doctors who are experts to come here, apart from that, if they are given health and also longevity, they can come here for treatment again later, "he said.

Meanwhile, the Principal (Kepsek) of SMAN 1 Pemali Elfina appreciated the contribution made by PT Timah Tbk, for the success of their activities.

"This activity is one of a series of activities to celebrate the 25th anniversary of SMA Negeri 1 Pemali, which we package with the theme Miracle (Milat Perak Ceria Painting Expression), at the same time from the word Miracle we want to give a miracle to our students, ”

According to him, this activity also involved the alumni of 1898 so that they could provide inspiration for students.

"PT Timah really supports our activities, with various assistance provided, and one of them is by presenting a healthy car with a health check program, besides that there is also support from SMAN 1 Pemali alumni. PT Timah, it is extraordinary in providing support to us, so that our activities run very smoothly," said Elfina.

According to him, the idea for this free inspection activity came from alumni.

“Actually, this free examination was also the idea of ??alumni, some of whom have already become doctors. Apart from that, we also want to provide something useful for the surrounding community, because one of the functions of a school can be beneficial for the surrounding community. So, this is one of the moments that we feel is very appropriate and also memorable and memorable for them," he said.

In addition to free examinations, there are also blood donation activities, mass circumcisions, and distribution of basic necessities to the community and healthy walks.

"We make an event that can involve alumni, raise alumni, then we can also distribute it to the community. Now this is a big lesson for all our students, that we live not only as students, not only learning in class but also learning in society, sharing and so on," he said. (*)