PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Caring for Disaster Victims, PT Timah Assists in Improving Homes for Disaster Victims in Bangka Belitung

PANGKALPINANG - To aid disaster victims in the company's operational areas, PT Timah is assisting in the repair of homes for residents affected by disasters in Bangka Belitung.

Assisting in the renovation and construction of homes for disaster victims is part of PT Timah's environmental social responsibility to help the community.

Throughout 2023, PT Timah has contributed to improving nine homes for disaster victims in Bangka Belitung. The aid includes various forms such as roofing assistance and repairs to other parts damaged by disasters. The mining industry holding company is also involved in building habitable houses for residents.

PT Timah collaborates with the Indonesian National Army (TNI) through the TNI Integrated Village Development Program (TMMD) to construct habitable houses for Nenek Sarimah, a resident of Air Bulin Village, West Bangka Regency.

The program to build habitable homes has long been carried out by PT Timah Tbk, targeting low-income communities and victims of natural disasters.

One of the beneficiaries of PT Timah's habitable house assistance, Nenek Sarimah, expressed continuous gratitude, stating that without external help, it would have been impossible for her to repair her home.

"Thank you to all of you who have built my house. I could never have built a house again because I was already old and couldn't afford it. May Allah repay you, grant you health, and further prosperity," said Nenek Sarimah, as quoted from a previous report by PT Timah Tbk.

Similarly, a resident of West Bangka who received assistance from PT Timah, Auyah (67), expressed profound gratitude for the support received to rebuild her home.

She felt fortunate that, after the disaster, she received sympathy from various parties to reconstruct her home. Assistance continued to flow from companies like PT Timah Tbk, the government, the community, and individuals.

"I am grateful; there is wisdom in this disaster. Alhamdulillah, after the fire, many have helped me to rebuild my house. Thank you to everyone who has assisted me," she expressed."