PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Blood Donation, PT Timah, and PMI's Routine Program in Humanitarian Activities 

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah continues to play an active role in community welfare through various humanitarian programs. One of them is collaborating with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Bangka Belitung to carry out humanitarian programs for the community in the company's operational area.

The collaboration between PT Timah and PMI takes place in several activities such as blood donation. In the context of PT Timah's 48th Anniversary, one of the activities carried out was blood donation which was carried out in the company's operational area.

PT Timah collected 389 blood bags together with PMI in each operational area from a series of Bakti Month activities held in July 2024.

Blood donation is one of the annual routine agendas carried out by members of the MIND ID Mining Industry Holding to support the fulfillment of blood needs for people in need.

This program not only involves company employees but also the general public who want to participate. The blood collected is distributed by PMI to hospitals in need.

Through blood donation, it becomes a means to raise awareness of the importance of regular blood donation, as well as to strengthen the spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation among the community.

PMI Bangka Belitung Chairman Abdul Fatah even on several occasions also monitored the implementation of blood donation held in the framework of PT Timah's Month of Service.

Abdul Fatah said that PT Timah's Month of Service is an activity that is by the needs of the community

"This activity was carried out according to the expectations of the community. We hope that this activity will not stop here. It will develop even more," he said as quoted from PT Timah's news some time ago.

Similarly, PMI Pangkalpinang UTD Coordinator, Puspita Sari admitted that she was very helped by the blood donation activity carried out by PT Timah

"This month of service activity is very helpful for PMI because every day we need 40 blood bags. If there is a mass event like this, donors are indeed high, especially since PT Timah provides souvenirs for donors," he explained.

Puspita hopes that the cooperation between PT Timah and PMI Pangkalpinang can continue to be established, to support and meet the need for blood in Pangkalpinang.

Meanwhile, the Head of Corporate Communications of PT Timah Anggi Siahaan said that collaboration with PMI is one of the real manifestations of PT Timah Tbk's social responsibility.

"We will continue to support and develop humanitarian programs that have a positive impact on society. We believe that together, we can achieve more and bring about meaningful change," he said. (*)