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Biodiversity Forest, PT Timah's Efforts to Protect Biodiversity and Preserve Flora and Fauna

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah continues to implement the biodiversity forest (Kehati) protection program in the company's operational areas. This is a form of PT Timah's commitment to carrying out the company's business processes oriented towards sustainability.

Biodiversity protection carried out by PT Timah includes Biodiversity Forests. Biodiversity Forest is PT Timah's biodiversity program as a form of effort to preserve the natural ecosystem around the company by protecting and maintaining the flora and fauna within it as well as maintaining its ecological roles.

PT Timah realizes that Biodiversity Forests are an important ecosystem for the survival of various species of flora and fauna, as well as providing vital ecosystem services for humans.

PT Timah manages three Biodiversity Forests, namely the Muntok City Forest which is located in West Bangka Regency covering an area of ??2.2 hectares, Kampoeng Air Reclamation in Merawang, Bangka Regency covering an area of ??37 hectares and the Kundur Biodiversity Forest in Kundur, Karimun Regency covering an area of ??17 hectares.

Member of the MIND ID Mining Industry Holding, PT Timah, in carrying out the protection of Biodiverse Forests, carries out several programs such as planting and replanting, plant maintenance and care - enrichment of plant species, animal care, tissue culture laboratory, plant nurseries and carrying out monitoring and evaluation.

The Biodiversity Forest management program carried out by PT Timah has had an impact on the environmental ecosystem. This can be seen from the increase in the number of types of flora and fauna in each biodiversity forest.

Currently, the number of flora and fauna in the Muntok Natural Forest is 61 types of flora and 36 types of fauna. Meanwhile, in Kampoeng Water Reclamation, there are 52 types of flora and 37 types of fauna. In the Kundur Natural Forest, there are 32 types of flora and 44 types of fauna.

The existence of PT Timah's Biodiversity Forest has provided many benefits for the surrounding community, such as a means of recreation and education for the surrounding community.

Not only that, the Biodiversity Forest is also a place to sequester carbon, thereby reducing air pollution and providing oxygen for breathing for living creatures in the surrounding environment.

As well as being four living flora and fauna for ecosystem balance and environmental sustainability. Biodiversity forests are also a place to preserve and protect wild animal ecosystems.

In this Biodiversity Forest area, PT Timah Tbk preserves various types of endemic flora and fauna in each of the company's operational areas.

PT Timah's Head of Corporate Communications, Anggi Siahaan said, that PT Timah in carrying out business processes always complies with environmental regulatory requirements and also implements various programs that not only meet regulatory requirements (beyond compliance) in preserving biodiversity.

"PT Timah integrates biodiversity management by ensuring ecosystem sustainability, preventing and minimizing the impact of activities on biodiversity. One of them is the Biodiversity Forest," said Anggi. (*)