PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Becoming a Tourist Destination in West Bangka, PT Timah Tbk Participates in Beautifying the Batu Raft Beach Area

WEST BANGKA -- Batu Rakit Beach, Muntok sub-district, West Bangka district is one of the tourist attractions frequented by both local and foreign tourists.

Batu Raft Beach has white sand, a beautiful natural atmosphere and views of ships going back and forth in and out of the port of Tanjung Kalian.

Not surprisingly, this beach is one of the favorite beaches to visit with family and friends for weekends.

Realizing this potential, the West Bangka Tourism and Culture Office continues to improve Batu Rakit Beach by adding facilities and infrastructure and beautifying the beach.

According to the Head of the West Bangka Tourism and Culture Office, Muhamad Ali, apart from being built by the local government, PT Timah is also supporting the beautification of Batu Rakit beach.

"Batu Rakit Beach continues to improve, here the West Bangka Regency Government facilitates children's play areas, MSME places, sports facilities, and several relaxing places for families," he said

"To beautify the beach, we get help from used tires from PT Timah, which are used as guardrails for facilities and roads, as a guide and to prevent accidents," he explained.

According to him, PT Timah Tbk is a company that cares not only in the tourism sector but also other fields.

"So far I think that PT Timah's contribution to West Bangka is felt, not only in the tourism sector, but also in the social, environmental and other fields," he said.

He appreciated PT Timah Tbk's participation in supporting tourism development in West Bangka.

One of the Batu Rakit beach visitors, Hendra, a resident of the Sungaibaru sub-district, said that every weekend he often visits here for vacations with his family.

"It is very suitable for families, there are family play facilities, MSMEs, and beaches. Every Sunday, I often come here for vacation," he said.