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Becoming a Foster Partner of PT Timah Tbk, Friskila's Turnover Increases

*Production of Various Health Drinks

EAST BELITUNG - PT Timah Tbk encourages business actors Friskila Mardiana to continue to exist and thrive in the current era of economic recovery.

Through the Micro Small Business Funding Program (PUMK), PT Timah Tbk provides capital and helps promote its processed products, Friskila Mardiana.

Friskila Mardiana processes a variety of traditional health drink products such as spiced drinks including tamarind turmeric, sour betel turmeric, majakani betel turmeric, bandrek, white turmeric juice, lime turmeric and kencur rice.

In addition, she also cultivates Trigona Friskila honey, tastes like sweet, sour, bitter, sour, but the taste of honey depends on what season the flower is in the garden and around the garden.

Spice drink products have been in the business since 2017, while Trigona Friskila honey has been around since 2020.

According to Friskila, the spice juice drink was started for personal consumption, but she saw a business opportunity because at that time there were not many spice drinks in East Belitung.

"Alhamdulillah, the market response is good and can develop and there are many resellers for juice drinks," she explained.

Then she explained the process of processing Trigona Friskila Honey, which started from a friend who had honey farmed first, so she also saw that the prospect was quite good and she was also offered it.

"Initially I bought five nests, from there it has grown to approximately 150 nests, 100 nests in the mother's garden, the rest join with friends," she explained.

So she said, her business journey from 2017 until now still exists and is accepted in the market. Even since the Covid-19 pandemic their turnover has increased by 400 percent.

"From there, we will develop it again to buy land for honey development and so far, thank God, it has grown," she explained.

Then they also became partners of PT Timah Tbk starting in May 2022, she is also grateful after becoming a partner of PT Timah Tbk their turnover has also increased.

"Alhamdulillah, after signing with PT Timah Tbk, and the public seeing us as partners with PT Timah Tbk, many people tried our products, from Belitung and East Belitung," she explained.

In addition, she also explained that their products have been sent to various regions such as Malaysia, Java Island, Papua as well as souvenirs from ministries and agencies.

"Spice juice drinks are the market for Belitung Island if Trigona Honey has penetrated the national and international markets," she explained.

Friskila explained, marketing their products through social media, which is Facebook and Instagram, Friskila Natural Beauti, while Whatsapp 082371090799 and their production or processing houses are located in Padang Village, Manggar Beltim District.

In addition, they have won the top 30 MSME rebranding of the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, and received a reward from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to become a private company so that their status is PT Friskila Beauti and it is a government program to raise MSMEs.

"We can send it abroad after getting the PT through an online store," she said.