PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Batu Beriga Village Becomes One of the Locations for Well Construction by PT Timah Tbk with Kostrad

CENTRAL BANGKA -- PT Timah Tbk, in collaboration with Kostrad, is constructing 20 well units in two districts in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The symbolic inauguration of good construction was carried out in Beriga Village, Lubuk District, Central Bangka Regency, on Friday (December 15, 2023).

The inauguration was attended by the Commander of Kostrad, Major General Muhammad Saleh Mustafa, the President Director of PT Timah Tbk, Ahmad Dani Virsal, Acting Governor of Bangka Belitung, Safrizal, the Chief of Police of Bangka Belitung, Police Inspector General Tornagogo, Regional Military Commander 045, Brigadier General TNI Agustinus Dedy Prasetyo, Central Bangka Regent Algafry Rahman, Director of Operations and Production of PT Timah Tbk Nur Adi Kuncuro, and the local community.

The construction of 20 well units is a collaboration between PT Timah Tbk and Kostrad to support the TNI AD Manunggal Air program to meet the clean water needs of the community.

PT Timah Tbk, along with Kostrad, is building 20 well units in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, with 15 units in Bangka Selatan Regency and 5 units in Central Bangka Regency, including one in Beriga Village.

The construction of these wells is expected to help the community easily access clean water, as water is a fundamental need to support daily activities.

Ahmad Dani Virsal, the President Director of PT Timah Tbk, stated that PT Timah Tbk, as a member of the Mining Industry Holding MIND ID, is committed to fulfilling social and environmental responsibilities in various aspects, including infrastructure, health, education, and community sanitation.

In carrying out its social responsibility program, PT Timah Tbk collaborates with the community, stakeholders, and local governments.

"PT Timah Tbk is working with Kostrad to create 20 well points in South Bangka and Central Bangka. Hopefully, this program can be the starting point for improving the health, nutrition, and welfare of the community," he said.

PT Timah Tbk is committed to contributing to the community to promote the well-being of the people.

"We appreciate the collaboration and cooperation with Kostrad to realize these wells and provide benefits. We hope that synergy in improving the quality of life and the welfare of the community can continue," he added.

"In carrying out its business processes, PT Timah Tbk, of course, needs support from all parties. We hope that all parties can support the business processes of PT Timah Tbk," he emphasized.

Commander of Kostrad Major General Muhammad Saleh Mustafa stated that the current need for clean water in Indonesia is still insufficient. Therefore, the TNI AD initiated the TNI Manunggal Air program.

"Because the results from the data we obtained from the Ministry of Health show that the fulfillment of clean water is still very low, below 15 percent. Therefore, we initiated the clean water program to open the chain of life to address stunting, food security, and the pattern of clean water living. Because our lives start with water," he said.

He mentioned that Kostrad TNI AD collaborated with PT Timah Tbk to benefit the community, especially in meeting the need for clean water.

"This clean water aid in Bangka Belitung consists of 20 points, and this is a collaboration between Kostrad TNI AD and PT Timah Tbk. This is a flagship activity of TNI AD, namely Manunggal Air, as there is also Manunggal Kesehatan and Manunggal Membangun Desa (Integrated Health and Village Development)," he said.

"Until now, Kostrad has worked on as many as 861 clean water points throughout Indonesia. And this will continue to be developed to meet the need for clean water," he added.

"The hope is that with clean water, it will create a source of life, create the sustainability of humans as living beings, and encourage a healthy lifestyle and food and irrigation resilience," he continued.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of Bangka Belitung Safrizal expressed that the clean water program is a government priority because the need for clean water is a fundamental human necessity.

He mentioned that the minimum public service standards for public works include providing water for the community, at least 60 liters per person, which is currently still not achieved. Moreover, there are still many challenges in providing clean water for the community.

"Therefore, this program is like an oasis in a dry desert; it is truly refreshing. Assistance from the TNI AD program is extraordinary, and we hope there will be more in other locations later," he said.

Similarly, Central Bangka Regent Algafry Rahman appreciated the water source assistance from Kostrad for the people in their region. He hopes that this number will increase in other areas.

"Thank you to Kostrad for providing this assistance. Because the community needs clean water. These things have an impact on community health," he said.

The Head of Beriga Village, Gani, stated that there are two types of water in their area, namely clean water and reddish water due to soil texture. Thus, the community has been using this reddish water.

"In Beriga itself, there are two types of water, clean water and in some households, there is reddish water. With the construction of this well, all water becomes clean," he said.

He mentioned that the dug wells built by PT Timah Tbk are for household needs, while the drilled wells are for consumption.

"As a village with all its limitations, we cannot build drilled wells. Fortunately, there is a program from the central government and PT Timah Tbk that provides a source of clean water. So, our community can feel clean water completely," he concluded. (*)