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Baitul Muslim Mosque in Ranggi Asam Village Receives Aid from PT Timah Tbk

WEST BANGKA -- Baitul Muslim Mosque in Ranggi Asam village, Jebus District, West Bangka Regency received construction assistance from PT Timah Tbk. The assistance was handed over by the PPM Coordinator for the West Bangka region, Hendar Setiawan, to the chairman of the construction of the Baitul Muslim Hadiyanto mosque at the mosque construction site, Wednesday (24/8/2022).

The chairman of the construction of the Baitul Muslim mosque Hadiyanto told the condition of the mosque under construction. PT Timah's assistance is expected to facilitate development.

"Currently the construction has reached 70%. Funds for the mosque construction are from non-governmental organizations, grants from the provincial government and grants from the West Bangka Regency. Today we are again receiving assistance for the construction of the Baitul Muslimin mosque from PT Timah," said Hadiyanto.

He said that with the help of PT Timah, it was possible to expedite the construction of the mosque.

Similarly, local cleric H. Ardi hopes that with the help of PT Timah, he can immediately complete the construction of the mosque.

"Alhamdulillah, basically we thank PT Timah who really cares about the construction of the mosque. We hope that with the help of PT Timah, the construction of the mosque will be completed quickly," hoped Ardi.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of Village, Ranggi Asam Asman, expressed his appreciation to PT Timah, according to him, apart from the construction of a mosque, PT Timah had distributed basic food assistance for its citizens.

"Thank you to PT Timah Tbk who helped build our Baitul Muslim mosque. Hopefully the construction will run smoothly," he hoped.